Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home > Featured > Four People Perish In Masaka-Mbarara Highway Accident

Four People Perish In Masaka-Mbarara Highway Accident

The Uganda Police have confirmed that four people have died on spot at Mbirizi Town along Masaka Mbarara Highway.

The accident happened on Sunday afternoon when a motor vehicle Toyota Alex registration number UBA 995R lost control and kocked a motor cycle registration number UEG 115A.

According to the police, the motor vehicle that was coming from Kampala heading to Mbarara due to over speeding lost control, knocking the motor cycle, killing two occupants of the motor cycle and two pedestrians on spot.

The occupants of the motor vehicle escaped unhurt but the driver got serious injuries and he is currently admitted in a private clinic in Mbirizi town. The identity of the deceased is yet to be established.

“We want to caution motorists to avoid over speeding and always to adhere to the speed guidelines that are put on the sign posts along the highways,” the police said on Sunday.

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