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Analysis & Opinions

Tycoon Sudhir Analyzes Challenging 2020, Tips Gov’t On How To Get Quicker Economic Recovery Going Forward

Tycoon Sudhir Ruparelia

By Dr.Sudhir Ruparelia The year 2020, was probably the most challenging year for the Ruparelia Group since its founding more than 30 years ago. As one of Uganda’s biggest employers and the most prominent players in real estate, education and hospitality sectors, having to shut down our doors to thousands

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Analysis & OpinionsNews

URA Boss Reveals 2021 Plans After Registering Remarkable Performance In 2020

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) Commissioner General, John Rujoki Musinguzi (pictured) has revealed that the tax body’s revenue target for the second half of the FY 2020/21 (January to June 2021) is Shs12.25 trillion. This represents 62.20 percent of URA’s annual target for 2020/21. During his end of year performance briefing to the media on 29th December

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