Vincent Maali is a budding commercial farmer in newly created Kakumiro district.
Two years ago, he abandoned his accounts profession to embark on farming on his daddy’s land that wasn’t properly utilized.
He drew inspiration from stories of successful commercial farmers as well as his own research.
Today, Maali has turned out to be a role model farmer in Kikaada village, Kasambya Sub County, Kakumiro district.
While many farmers struggle to get a ton (1000 kilograms) from an acre of maize, Maali gets over 3000 kilograms (over 30-100kg bags) per acre.
Being a graduate, Maali is a smart farmer; he wears an ovral garment most of the times so much that ‘villagers’ hardly associate him with farming.
For the upcoming rain season, he is targeting over 20 acres. He explained to Business Focus how other farmers can get over three tons from an acre of maize and earn good money from a crop that has become one of Uganda’s top food and cash crops.

Soil Evaluation
Before one embarks on large scale maize farming, Maali says it is prudent to know whether the soil is suitable for the crop. He says NARO and Kawanda Research Centre can help in soil testing. For him however, it didn’t require him to carry out soil testing because maize grows well in his area and most importantly his land was virgin.
Research suggests that maize likes rich soil with good drainage. Ideal soil for maize is sandy loam that stays moist, without being too wet.
Land Preparation
“You need to prepare your land early enough to enable it cool down. It should be ready at least a month before planting,” he says.
“You need to till your land with a tractor or hoe; not necessarily using herbicides. You must also remove all the stamps in order to maximize the land and yields,” he adds.
Right Seed
Maali’s secret to successfully get over 3000kgs from an acre attributes it to planting the ‘right seed’. He says he plants hybrid and other improved varieties of maize from Uganda and Kenya.
“You can’t plant traditional varieties got from harvest of the previous season and compete with one with improved seed,” he says, adding: “What does it hurt to buy 10kgs at Shs70,000 and get 3,000kgs per acre?”
He explains that farmers shouldn’t panic to plant given the erratic weather changes.
“Rains/water determine germination rate. You should be sure that rains have started (for you to plant),” he says, advising farmers to dig hills (holes) and wait for the rains to plant. He also advises them to soak seeds in foliar fertilizers for quick and uniform germination.
Spacing-The Determining Factor Of 3 Tons
Maali says even if a farmer applies the best agronomic practices without proper spacing, the yields will still be low. He reveals that to get high maize yields; it’s about plant population in a given space.
“Sometimes I don’t care the size of cobs, but how many cobs I have in an acre,” he says.
He says many farmers have different planting/spacing methods they apply, but for him, he adopted a ‘free style’.
“I don’t make lines because they are time consuming and tedious. I only dig hills (holes) and space them at one foot apart. I put only one seed in each hill,” he says.
He explains that given the fact that an acre is 40 meters (120ft) by 120 meters (360ft), he will have 43, 200 plants per acre (120*360).
“While others plant 10kgs in acre, I plant 15kgs in one acre,” he says.

He explains that while some may not germinate or the garden may have many stamps, at least a farmer can have 25,000 well brought up plants.
“If you give each maize cob (assuming a plant gave you one) 120gms, you are sure you will get over 3,000kgs which is equivalent to 30 bags of 100kgs each,” he says, revealing that last season he got about 3,400kgs from each acre of maize.
He however says that the only challenge with this planting method is weeding and walking properly through the garden.
“With this spacing, using ordinary big hoes may not be possible. What I do, I use specially made hoes; I buy a new hoe and take it to welders to make me this ‘magic’ hoe,” he says pointing to the hoe.
He reveals that he also uses herbicides to weed his maize.
He adds that maize requires timely weeding like two weeks after planting. If weeds are many, he recommends a second weeding be done.
“If you don’t weed early, your maize will compete with weeds for nutrients and minimize on yields,” he says.

Boosting Growth
He says maize growth can be boosted using organic and inorganic fertilizers. Cow dung, poultry litter and manure are some organic fertilizers that can be used to boost yields.
Inorganic fertilizers like NPK, DAP help boost growth.
“My soil is fertile, so I only apply NPK after weeding using broadcast method,” he says, adding that he sometimes adds foliar fertilizers.
He adds that when plants are well fertilized, they increasingly become overcrowded given the spacing. This, he says can affect easy movement of a farmer to inspect the garden.
“This may also affect productivity. All you need to do is to prune up to four leaves when they (maize) about to start flowering. Removal of excess leaves will help the plant save food for the maize cob,” he says, adding: “It will also help air move swiftly and ease your movement.”
He adds that the cut leaves can be left to rot or can be eaten by animals for those who are into mixed farming.
Pests Management
He says farming requires close supervision than any other business.
“Out of experience, my first duty is to move around the garden and find out what is happening. I don’t let it to workers,” Maali says, adding that it is also important to supervise workers properly. He says given the increasing threat of the armyworm, daily inspection is important. For him, he sprays pesticides after germination and weeding. He also applies them depending on the situation.
“You can also mix foliar fertilizer with pesticides to save on labour and time,” he says.
Maali says most maize varieties take four months to dry up. He says many farmers lose a lot at harvesting time, revealing that it is important to have a storage system. Storing maize helps a farmer to sell when prices are high.
Cost-Profit Analysis
Maali says the cost varies from farmer to farmer depending on many factors including labour, source of inputs and the technology used among others.
He says he has permanent farm workers and this helps him save some money.
He says on average, Shs700, 000 can be spent on acre, but this reduces if one grows maize on a large scale.
He explains that while prices of maize grains have gone past Shs1, 000 per kilogram in recent seasons, the average price has been Shs700 per kilogram.
This means that a farmer can earn a gross profit of Shs2.1m (700*3,000) and a net profit of Shs1.4m (Shs2, 100,000-700,000) in six months.
“This means you have been earning Shs233, 333 per month (Shs1.4 divide by six months),” he says, adding that is a good return on investment.
He adds that if a farmer sells the 3,000 kilograms at Shs1,000, they will pocket a gross profit of Shs3m.
“I would advise farmers to start small and grow big. To get some good money, you need to start with at least five acres. A farmer can easily earn a net profit of Shs7m from five acres of maize,” he says, adding that farmers can also maximize profits by adding value to their produce (maize).
Applied agriculture practice
Wonderful, would like to talk to you.
Am on 0763674885.
Thank you somuch. Can you give me your contact. Iam on 0771851555
Thanks professor Maali,
Pls clarify on your spacing. I feel that with a plant population of 43200, the doaci g would be so close like 30cm by 37cm by one seed per hill. Is this what you use?
Give us da phone number
Thax for DT gud advice is thea any land for rent in kakumiro
Yeah.thanx bravo we live
I also need a number of Mr Maali .
out of 5 acres of start, you have not discussed about initial costs, nature of land and does it apply to our sand loam soils of Teso region?
Easer said than done.
Hello farmers,
We have better and improved maize varities on the market.
Try out BAZOOKA HYBRID maize seed.
I harvested 5220 kgs from 1.52 acres in 2020 first season.
currently targetting 4000 kgs per acre season.
Try DK 90, It does not disappoint.
Thanks again
I like the lessons but can I get your number
Help and specify for me the exact foliar fertiliser one can use to soak seeds and for how long
Of recent I tried to look for Mychrorizal and couldn’t find any round container village
I would like to get hybrid seeds
Suppliers contact me
Your good at teaching
I request to become a productive farmer
Sir what about areas with unreliable rainfall
I Would Like To Know About Soaking Seeds In Foliar Fertilizers I Mean Concentration
Very elaborate, you’ve just answered many of my questions.
Am requesting for your contact Sir
As Agronomist I believe
So inspirational
My wat sup 0750099955
already cleared 70hectres in masindi
I have prepared 70acres in kimengo masindi please tell me about this Dk variety I hear
Dk is a good variety
Your good at teaching
I request to become a productive farmer
Good information in growing , wedding hoe and quantity of planting, hoping to start trying this in method in my next season thank you so much
Am really inspired alot I want to buy land and start maize planting for commercial by next year
Hello Mr Williams please help me with Mr vicient maali contacts.
My concern is on the Math where a kilogram of maize is ksh 1,000. Or is there something am not understanding?
Which famous pesticides is best suitable for that maize variety,KH520
Really this is so Encouraging and unique,
I would like trade from you for Joint Stock.
I am Jimmy and above is my address.
I have 10 acres planted from 02/08/2019, the plantation has started flowering but the cobs are small
in fact, I will be planting this weekend and I’m so grateful for the guidance. I’ve longed to engage in farming and this will be my first season. hoping for the best.
Could there be any chances of establishing farm clinics to demonstrate these physically for better understanding? thanks
what could be the best maize variety on market now
Longe 10H
Hello Mr Williams please help me with Mr vicient maali contacts.
K I have learnt alot let me also practice it I see the best .
So interesting and inspiring I am also planning to start farming
You are my guide am starting this season,on 3 acres.i have bought,DK maize seeds.
Did do sseed work for you I want to give it atry
actually i do rlly appreciate such kind of guide en i know dat it will boost me coz i prepared 7.5Acres this season
So interesting and inspiring I am also planning to start farming
Please can I get mr Mali,s contact
I find it important to me because i have been looking for such information to guide me as soon as i begin my maize project on 2 acres. Mean while am looking for some good quality seeds.
kind regards.
I liked the presentation, I find it important to me because i have been looking for such information to guide me as soon as i begin my maize project on 2 acres. Mean while am looking for some good quality seed.
kind regards.
Thank you my brother, you just need to soak seed incubators a foliar fertilizer forex one overnight. I am also a farmer. Regards.
I am going to try this for sure hope I have the season at hand
waaaw! i used to see my grand mother using the same system of spacing but she got big cobs of maize
hope to use 3-4 acres this coming season but NIRON type of maize
I also discovered a local medicine for ARMYWORM which i used this season and worked well for me and my fellow farmers in our community
you can as we share what the local remedy for the Armyworm it is that you used. thanks
Thanks Faisal. May you kindly share the local medicine for armyworm. Thanks
Thanks for your inspiring words.what pesticides do you commonly used to for the controller of stalk borerer?
Got good lessons need go practical and what’s that local remedy for the army worms
Wow! Thanks for inspiring us boss. May I know if u can get someone hiring land for zt business.
what type of hybrid maize is fit for this season
Which variety are you dealing in?
If I plant longe 10H ,can I get a similar harvest with proper management?
Longe 10H is good.
which type maize is good to plant
Which crop can I inter crop with maize?.can I still get the same yield of 3toones per acre.
Where can I get hybrid seeds, cause Nowdays you buy seeds when you plant them they can’t germinate. Please help me, we have started preparing 6.5acres of land in Mubende
Thank you
Inspiring story…. Ur contact boss for more information
In Mubende go to K-Mubende Farm supply. They have very good seed varieties like Dk90-89
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I’m in Wakiso- Houma road where do you think I can buy the good seed from?
Please and please, I need ur phone number bcoz am so much interested in ur advice & I want to practice this method this season starting with this September. I need ur reply bambi sir.
Thanks 🙏, Am trying up with 5 acres but pests like antis 🐜, rats/kamuji 🐀 oh my God, any help how to fight these problems. Thanks
Wow!!! This is very informative and super helpful!! Thank you.
Very informative, I’m graduate unemployed right now but interested in farming. I have land and need to apply/ adopt what I have read here. Will share with you after this season with the outcome. Many thanks.
How do you do the storage and if in a crib, what size of the crib can store maize from an acre?
Wow! it is so inspirational.. I am determined to farming and feed the people. Thanks for the article.
This is so wonderful am hoping to practice this.
Supposing I plant my maize in row what is the expected harvest per acre
Do you think the harvest of 3000kg also possible in places like Buyende and Kamuli or it depends on the nuture of the land in that particular area
In case I want inter-cropping which other crop can best suit with maize
Thanks for the inspiration
Am also growing maize in Buyende district in Busoga region and I have already planted 3acres
Hope to hear from you soon
This is irresistibly sweet hot good news to a farmer and worth a shot! Am enlightened!
Good article but short on specifics. Raises many unanswered questions.
Wawo am inspired. How many times can one plant in a year??
Twice if you’re not going to irrigate
if I am to irrigate then how many times will it get to
So great
Inspiring…!! Is this method also suitable for longe 10h maize type??
Wow!!! This is very informative and super helpful!!
What’s the best pesticide for worms on a three-week old maize plants ?
Hey thnx alot, is it necessary for me to plant my maize with out ploughing if the soil is virgin? Am preparing in Gulu may u help with the best highbrid veriety I should prefer.. thnx
How long do the seeds be soaked in the foliar fertiliser
A day is enough.
It’s very important message and Soo encouraging.I intend to start with 2 actress this coming season.Thank you.
am inspired to start farming next season
Woooow…. I am speechless. I have to do this.
interesting story indeed
This is so inspirational. We are trying 100 acres of KH520 in hoima and hoping for the best at season end.
Thank you for the inspirational advice,I have been growing maize but just for home consumption yet there is money in that project.i do think I need to wake up and expand my production,thanks a lot.
Interesting piece ,which varieties are you planting ?
JazakaAllahu khaira, i wld like to have your number plz
Can you get me 50acres for lent