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US Embassy Issues Alert As Uganda Records 318 COVID-19 Cases In A Day

The United States Mission in Uganda has issued a warning to all American citizens in Uganda urging them to seek medical treatment once they get symptoms related to the deadly COVID-19.

In an alert posted on the Mission’s official Twitter handle on Saturday evening, the Mission also called on Americans to share the warning widely and call Kampala Capital City Authority to alert the medical team once they suspect any illnesses.

“If you live in Kampala and you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and you develop a fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough or difficulty breathing.. IMMEDIATELY CALL KCCAUG at 0800-99-00-00 and or Your Healthcare Provider,” it reads in part.

The warning followed a revelation by Ministry of Health that Uganda had recorded its highest COVID-19 cases after 318 cases were recorded on 21st August 2020, with 150 of these coming from Amuru prison, as well as one death.

The US Mission further cautioned its citizens to Stay home, except to get medical care, separate yourself from other people & animals in your home, call ahead before visiting a doctor, cover your coughs & clean your hands often and  wear a mask anytime you are not alone to protect others.
This comes at the time on 7th August 2020, US Mission an advisory alert warning that Kampala has a lot more cases of COVID-19 than are currently known.

The alert by Mission bosd, Christopher Krafft highlighted that COVID-19 cases in Uganda won’t show up on the daily press releases because there are not enough test kits to do widespread community testing although there are intense efforts underway to bridge that gap. 

USA’s cases are now over 5.818 million, with 21,911 of these recorded in a single day while deaths stand at 179,613. Uganda’s cases now stand at 2166, with 20 deaths. 

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