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Uganda Airlines CEO Hosts Abderahmane Berthe, The African Airline Association Secretary General

Uganda Airlines CEO, Jenifer Bamuturaki (L) with AFRAA Secretary General, Mr. Abderahmane Berthé

Uganda Airlines Chief Executive Officer, Jenifer Bamuturaki  is today hosting AFRAA Secretary General, Mr. Abderahmane Berthé.

Berthe will later have a strategic meeting with the Minister of Works and Transport, Hon. Gen. Katumba Wamala. AFRAA Meeting with the Uganda Airlines CEO is set to focus on strategic cooperation in areas that accelerate African Air transport growth to play bigger on a global scene.

The Secretary General’s meeting is part of the AFRAA CEO leadership dialogues held with leaders of member airlines.

Uganda Airlines has already been tapping into the Airlines Association pool to build mutually benefificial synergies since 2019. The Airline leadership will also use the opportunity to propose new areas of future AFRAA support.

The AFRAA SG visit to Uganda comes at a time when Uganda Airlines is implementing its ambitious Global strategic growth plan. The Airline is also preparing to host The 55th African Airlines Association (AFRAA) Annual General Assembly (AGA) and Summit in November 2023, Uganda. Uganda Airlines will proudly host the AGA under the high patronage of the Government of Uganda. The event is expected to attract about 500 high-proifile delegates from the aviation industry in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and North America.

Africa Aviation continues to face challenges with the realization of open skies despite existing Declarations, high operational costs, and empty seats.

AFRAA May 2022 report outlook reported that average jet fuel price continues to rise globally, impacting airlines operating costs. From the mid-May average price of 146.5/bbl, Platts estimates the impact on Airlines 2022 fuel bill is $121.1 billion.

With a mission to promote, serve African airlines and champion Africa’s aviation industry, AFRAA is Uganda Airlines Strategic partner in aviation cooperation, capacity building, data collection, partnerships, and research.

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