Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Top NGO Abandons City School Kids Over Debts

More than 20 children, who were picked off the streets in Kampala and enrolled in a school in Kamwokya, are facing a grim future after their sponsor reportedly abandoned them.

The pupils were sponsored by Street Child Care Uganda (SCCU), an NGO that picks children from the street, rehabilitates them and takes them back to school. 21 of the former street children are now enrolled at KCCA Primary School-Kamwokya. However, the NGO has not cleared payments for the school since 2005.

The school has now indicated that it’s ending the relationship with the organisation with immediate effect, a decision which has left the youngsters hanging in balance. The NGO owes the school close to 7 million Shillings.

“Every term, we send reminders that are answered in the same fashion that the person meant to sign is out of the country. But doesn’t this person ever come back? I think we have been dealing with conmen and have decided to put an end to our association with them,” Jane Kansiime, head teacher KCCA Primary School Kamwokya says.

The school has now denied the pupils access to the end of term examinations until payments are cleared. Among the affected children are four pupils in primary seven who will not be sitting for mock examinations and Primary Leaving Examinations-PLE if the dues are not cleared.


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