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Three Gov’t Owned Banks Need Shs141bn Capital Injection To Survive -Auditor General

Auditor General, John Muwanga

Government must fulfill its financial obligations in three banks where it has shares for them to continue running normally.

The Auditor General, John Muwanga says Government must inject  capital worth Shs141bn in Housing Finance Bank Limited, Post Bank Uganda Limited and Tropical Bank Limited so that their  operations aren’t interrupted.

In his December 2022 audit report, Muwanga raised concern on the failure by Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to plan for the capitalization of investment in these three financial institutions that Government owns shares, saying it puts the future of these banks in jeopardy and risk closure if the capital requirements aren’t met by June 2024.

He cited the Financial Institutions revision of minimum capital Requirements  Instrument, 2022, that provides that for a person to transact in the financial institution business in the capacity of a bank, they should have a minimum paid-up capital of not less than 7million currency points equivalent to Shs120Bn by December 2022 invested initially in such liquid assets in Uganda as the Central Bank may approve.

Muwanga added that the same instrument further provides that a person proposing to transact a financial institution business in the capacity of a bank shall have a minimum paid-up capital of not less than seven million five hundred thousand currency points equivalent to Shs150Bn by 30thJune 2024 invested initially in such liquid assets in Uganda as the Central Bank may approve.

Government has interests in Housing Finance Bank Limited whose reported paid-up capital stands at Shs122bn, but Government was required to inject an additional Shs2bn by December 2022 and an another Shs28bn for the Bank to fulfill the requirements of Bank of Uganda.

Government co-owns Tropical Bank Limited with the Libyan Government and the Bank’s paid up capital stands at Shs88.2bn, but by December 2022, Tropical Bank needed another capital injection to a tune of Shs31.8Bn and by 30th June 2024, Tropical Bank needs recapitalisation to a tune of Shs61.8bn.

Post Bank Limited currently has paid up capital worth Shs98Bn, but by December 2022, the Bank needed recapitalisation to a tune of Shs22bn and subsequently Shs52Bn by June 2024 for Bank of Uganda to allow it to operate as a Bank.

The Auditor General urged Government to avail the additional funding especially in the case of financial situations in  which Government has majority shareholding and further urged the Ministry of Finance for the case of Tropical Bank Limited, to liaise with the Libyan Government and

other shareholder to secure a total of Shs31.8bn to be compliant by 31st December 2022.

“In addition, Government would have to ensure that in the next financial year, it plans for capital injection in all the three banks of a total of Shs141.8bnto ensure that the banks are compliant as of 30thJune 2024. Failure to plan for the capital requirements for the different financial institutions may result in  the banks not being compliant and therefore not authorized to operate as banks, ” noted Muwanga.

When the issue was brought to officials from the Ministry of Finance, they promised that they would budget for it accordingly.

According to the Auditor General, in 2021/2022 Housing Finance Bank posted profits to a tune of Shs40. 97Bn up from Shs20. 689Bn the bank recorded in 2020/2021, while Post Bank Uganda Limited recorded profits to a tune of Shs12. 236bn in 2021/2022 up from Shs10. 070bn it recorded in 2020/2021.

However, of the four financial institutions where Government owns shares including Housing Finance Bank Limited, Uganda Development Bank Limited, Pride Microfinance Limited and Post Bank Limited that were audited by the Auditor General, only Housing Finance Bank Limited paid Government dividends to a tune of Shs20.5Bn in 2021/2022 with the trio refusing to give any penny to Government.

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