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State House Plans To Write Off Shs590m Stolen By Daring UPDF Soldiers From Cash Stores

Uganda’s Entebbe based State House

State House is planning to write off Shs590m that was stolen by UPDF soldiers from State House Cash Stores in 2011/12.

The revelation was made by State House Comptroller, Lucy Nakyobe while appearing before Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee today where she led officials from State House to respond to some audit queries.

 Nakyobe revealed that in the Financial Year 2011/12, UPDF soldiers attached to State House broke into the cash stores and made off with taxpayers’ money in question.

The soldiers after accessing the money they abandoned the guns and uniforms at cash office.

They were later arrested with cash exhibits between Shs30m and Shs50m and charged in court martial where they were sentenced to 20 years which they appealed on ground that it was a harsh punishment.

Nakyobe asked the Public Accounts Committee chaired by Budadiri West MP, Nathan Nandala Mafabi that the committee should recommend to Parliament to write off this loss caused by the UPPDF soldiers.

Mafabi told the State House officials to write to the Accountant General and Secretary to Treasury requesting for a write off and they bring the request to parliament for consideration whether to write it off or not.

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