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Minister Asamo Impressed By Projects Of PWDs In Namayingo District

Minister Asamo Impressed By Projects Of PWDs In Namayingo District 

Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Namayingo district in Eastern Uganda have been commended for putting to proper use Government grants for entrepreneurship.

While conducting a monitoring and supervision visit in the district last week, the Minister of State for Disability Affairs, Hon. Asamo Hellen Grace established that the groups had received funding and their businesses were flourishing.

“Each group received the money without interference and they were able to use the money as per planned projects,” Hon. Asamo noted, adding: “Some of the groups made profits and supported each group member to start individual income generating ventures. This is very commendable and therefore project has met its intended objectives.”

The groups received funding under the National Special Grant for Persons with Disabilities, which is implemented by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development.

Under the Grant, groups of 5 to 15 PWDs or their caretakers are eligible to receive up to Shs5 million for entrepreneurship.

The monitoring team that also included the Namayingo Deputy Resident Commissioner, Trevor Baleke and other district leaders assessed a sample of four groups, three of which received Shs5 million each and the fourth group received Shs4 million.

Baleke applauded the Grant’s strategy of disbursing money directly to the beneficiary’s accounts saying it eliminates corruption.

“My message has been that having a disability is no permit to swindle these wealth creation funds. I’m happy that PWDs in our district have been exemplary and we will continue to guide them to expand,” Baleke said.

The councilor for PWDs, Hon Bwire David was impressed that the beneficiaries exhibited great responsibility by implementing their intended enterprises.

“This is what we want for our society. Government money should never be put to waste but used to uplift our livelihoods. Other society members like the youth should emulate what the PWDs are doing with government funding,” Hon. Bwire observed.

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