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Kingfisher Oil Project Works Resume After Temporary Suspension

Oil drilling is ongoing at the Kingfisher project area

The Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU) has lifted the suspension of works at the Kingfisher Development Area (KFDA) in Kikuube District, paving the way for the resumption of operations.

This is after a fatal incident within the Kingfisher project area occurred on 6th October 2023.

Ernest Rubondo, Executive Director of the Authority said: “This step has been taken after rigorous examination of all standard procedures to ensure that the health and safety requirements are being robustly implemented by all contractors and sub-contractors. The Authority has reviewed and realigned the safety protocols with the operator for overall improvement in the HSE culture and practices during operations.”

According to PAU, the resumption of operations comes after additional preliminary safety measures have been instituted, and an overall strategy on contractor HSE management enhanced.

“The Petroleum Authority of Uganda is satisfied that the agreed procedures, when implemented, will ensure the safety and well-being for all during the oil and gas operations,” PAU says in a statement.

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