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Kasaija: I’m Ready To Drop Bagyenda Reappointment To FIA Board

The Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Matia Kasaija is ready to drop the reappointment of Justine Bagyenda, the former Executive Director-Supervision at Bank of Uganda to the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA) Board as a member on the advice of Parliament.

In May this year, Kasaija nominated Bagyenda to serve a second term on the FIA board yet ‘the iron lady’ as she was/is known at BoU was at the centre of controversies and investigations regarding her alleged illicit wealth.

Ugandans including MPs were shocked by the news of Bagyenda’s proposed reappointment to FIA board, wondering whether the Finance Minister follows events in the country keenly.

MPs on Parliament’s vetting committee vowed to block Bagyenda’s reappointment.

Now, MPs under the African Parliamentary Network against Corruption have upped their anti-voices arguing that she is not fit to serve on the board because of the controversies surrounding her right now.

Kasaija in his defence said that he nominated Bagyenda on the board before she retired from BoU and allegations against her had not yet emerged.

Finance Minister, Matia Kasaija

“The information we had at that particular time, this issue had not arose,” he said.

Kasaija is now ready to listen to the directive of Parliament on Bagyenda’s matter.

“I proposed her name to Parliament. It’s up to Parliament now to tell me what to do, because if I took a decision it would mean I’m prejudging Ms. Bagyenda. The names were sent to Parliament for vetting, if Parliament says no and they have got good reasons, I will abide, because I can’t appoint until Parliament has given me the authority to do so,” Kasaija said.

Bagyenda was relieved of her duties at BoU by Governor Tumusiime Mutebile in February this year and was replaced by Dr. Tumubweine Twinemanzi.

Investigations on Bagyenda’s source of wealth was triggered off the leaking her fat bank account details showing she had about Shs20bn in three different Banks. Her properties in prime areas were also exposed.

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