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Kahuga Explains How Farmers Can Mint Millions From Mushrooms

The market for mushrooms is yet to be fully exploited in Uganda. A few farmers who have mastered the art of growing the nutritious delicacy are making a killing from it.

Laura Kahuga, a civil servant working with the Ministry of Finance as a Foreign Service Officer is one of the few farmers earning extra cash from mushrooms.

She made a decision to join mushroom farming after reading inspirational materials about it over three years ago.

She has demystified all the negative perceptions, myths and stereotypes created by people ignorant of the potential the agricultural sector has in reducing the high unemployment rates in Uganda and improving on household incomes.

Her choice of mushroom farming was informed by the fact that it did not require chunks of land and intensive labour.

“… I got to learn that despite the fact that mushrooms are not labour intensive as other crops, they are very sensitive plants; they react to powerful scents from soaps and perfumes, and they are also affected by too much noise,” Kahuga says in an interview, adding that the said conditions in excess can impact on the yield.

“Mushrooms also require much water when they have been transplanted to their gardens,” she adds.

How Kahuga Does It

Giving details on how mushrooms are grown, Kahuga notes that contrary to other businesses, agriculture and mushrooms in particular calls for hands on training. Any farmer interested in mushroom growing has to be ready for a practical session so that they don’t suffer losses. Besides growing mushrooms for sale at her site in Namugongo, a Kampala suburb, Kahuga also trains interested people in mushroom farming.

“For one to learn how to grow mushrooms, there is need for practical sessions where one learns each stage. In mushroom growing, each polythene bag is counted as a garden and these constitute cotton husks where the mushroom spores (seeds) are introduced to grow. The gardens need to be placed in a dark, hygienic room free from insects and vectors that may affect production,” Kahuga explains.

She adds: “The process of growing mushrooms entails soaking the cotton husks in water for 12 hours, steaming the soil under intensive temperature for 8-9 hours, leaving the heated soil to cool for 24 hours and later introduce the mushroom spores to the polythene bags, tie them up and leave them in a dark room for two weeks for fungus to conquer all the husks.”

She explains that the farmer can then transfer the gardens to a well aerated room, open up the polythene bags and start watering three times daily for three days, but the water is simply sprinkled to ensure that the mushrooms only obtain minimum amount of water to ensure that they are not waterlogged.

“The harvesting of mushrooms then starts on the third and fourth day which can go on for 3-4 months depending on the quality of the mushroom spores and the care extended to the mushrooms,” she says.


Kahuga has gone an extra mile; she has learnt to make her own spores so as to sustain the business and cut on costs.

Kahuga is earning an extra income from mushroom farming

She adds that the biggest advantage in mushroom growing is that the practice isn’t limited to weather conditions.

“I invested Shs5million when I joined this business; I started off with 1000 gardens and on the third week started harvesting at least 5-10kgs of fresh mushrooms a day. I was supplying eight restaurants then and I would earn Shs1.5-2million per month,” she said, adding that she has since expanded and earns more from the big mushroom market.

“In order to consistently meet the demand, I even purchase some mushrooms from other farmers. So by the end of 2 months, one is in position to gain back the money invested,” she adds.

She boasts of being in position to make millions in her home backyard in Namugongo on simply a few meters of land where the mushroom unit is constructed, stating that contrary to other agricultural practices which call for chunks of land, wealth can be gotten from within your own home backyard.

Kahuga has also started adding value to her mushrooms by drying them.

She says a kilogram of fresh mushrooms in low end markets go for between Shs5000-7000 and in the high end markets; it goes up to Shs10, 000.


Kahuga, who has been in the business since April 2013 notes that despite the fact that the market is available for mushrooms in Uganda, farmers are still faced with the challenge of domestic consumption, inconsistency in supply as well as limited information on the available market opportunities in mushroom production.

“There is need for awareness on the importance of eating mushrooms because improved domestic market makes it easier to tap into the foreign market,” she says, adding that mushrooms mostly consumed in the big hotels, Chinese and Italian restaurants are imported.

She also decries the poor quality and cases of counterfeit mushroom spores as the biggest challenge which she revealed as one of the huddles that almost pushed her out of business at the second time of stock.


Responding to queries on how much one needs as initial capital, Kahuga notes that this depends on how many gardens one desires to start with. But she cautions that one needs adequate market research before going into a massive production scale given the perishability of mushrooms especially if they are not yet in position to add value to them.

Note: Leave a comment and share this article if you find it interesting. If you need her contacts contact us:


Richard Kamya
Richard is a Digital Communication Specialist and an Entrepreneur

55 thoughts on “Kahuga Explains How Farmers Can Mint Millions From Mushrooms

  1. this is wonderful… it must be an amazing journey, i wish you the best of luck and thank you for being an example without even knowing it

  2. I have been trying to train several women and school dropouts in oyster mushroom growing but the challenges are quite a number, including but not limited to lack of reliable spawn and substrate, lack of continuous markets So iam requesting your audience so that i get my vision come true. Contacts: 0700625432 /0776606648 thanks for your helping hand

  3. Amollo Samuel

    I am urgently in need of training and support with the supply of the requisite materials for this business. I was once trained in the trade some 8 years ago but have forgotten certain parts. In Kumi there seams to be no good market, how can one supply far away in Kampala?


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  5. Nannyombi Mary

    Hi good evening, I was wondering whether market for dry mushrooms are available. I have just gotten in the industry of mushroom growing looking for market.. 0751043617 thanx

  6. Hello all, I am from the Mushroom section at the National Farmers’ Leadership Centre (NFLC), in Mpigi District. I wish to inform you that we are able to offer trainings for all the stages of mushroom production. We also can supply; mushroom cultures (pure culture, sub culture), spawn (mushroom seed), substrate gardens, plus the fresh and dry mushrooms to whoever wants them in a timely and sustainable way if there is need.
    We can also link substrate material suppliers to our contact farmers who are always in need of them.
    NFLC is a government institution under MAAIF and such trainings are part of its mandate.
    Please if we may be of help, contact me on 0787313872, 0703098196, or

  7. Nasio janepher

    Thanks for sharing this information with us. I was also growing mushrooms but i failed to get smone to supply me with seeds since d person i was relying on stopped d bussiness. I need your contact. Mine is 0774443804

    • Brenda viola

      I can supply you with the seeds wherever you are jhus contact me on 0700289008 or 0772486278… We offer training as well

  8. Lydia Kirundi

    Esteemed farmers, it very encouraging to get information about growing mudrooms. I need how to grow them but also how to get markets. my phone number is: 0755547893, please ask for Pross.

    Thank you

  9. Rukundo

    I want to start it also am ready ,I have capital but where do I get seeds from am in kireka
    0778986063 is my number

  10. Joan Simms

    Interested. I would love to be trained. 0785033636

  11. oker syephen

    Thanks alot for this interested in this business.can someone help me with her number so that she can train me also.This is my number.0788814169 or 0708641669.

  12. Kansiime Lydia

    Thank you very much for this great information I have been craving for. Kindly guide me on how
    I can be trained because I am in Mbarara. Lydia.

  13. This is quite a resourceful article and its a great inspiration to me. This was published in 2019. please give us an update on this, like any better discoveries and more market existing today. I wish to have a direct contact. Jsb 0772404291 0701404290

  14. Kugonza sam

    Thanks for the best information I have been looking for, I want to learn how to grow mushrooms how can I access you thanks my number 0787927699 I will be very grateful

  15. Adriko benard

    I would like 2 get knowledge on this farming. Whether you can help me

    • Nafuna Esther

      Hullo, for long I have looked for some one to train me in mashroom growing. . l am a resident of Mukono District. This is my contact 0758989945

  16. Nakalema Sarah

    I have loved the idea and I would like to get started but need the training first.How much is the training fee,plus the cost of each garden like they call it?

  17. Musoga Gerald

    I would like to be trained so that I can start the business too my number is 0772394267

  18. Birungi Jennifer

    We are grateful for the knowledge and insight people.
    I need a professional to check underground if is fit for growing my mushrooms.
    Help in me in guidance.

  19. Ofwono John

    Thanks for the generosity in ideas and I wish to get your number mine is 0775007184

  20. Ofwono John

    Thanks for the generosity in ideas

  21. Stephen Bule

    Good documentary article on mushroom growing.
    Please I need to have an orientation and training on Mushroom growing.
    My Mobile phone no: 0772441304 and email stated above. Or send me your contact and I will follow up

  22. Collin

    Am interested in learning and growing if you can get for me the market please share your contact thanks


    Any one interested in access to the best cotton for mushroom growing contact me on 0758544048/0774020279.;


    Any one interested in access the best cotton for mushroom growing contact me on 0758544048/0774020279.;

  25. wasswa simon

    I would love to start up that business but can you buy from me as your side supply and at how much a kilograme am in bweyogerere my number is 0751323058

  26. Jasper Grace

    Her contacts pliz. Am interested starting this kind of mushroom farming. Mine is 0759554421

  27. Birungi Jennifer

    I ve been looking foe someone with the good knowledge about mushrooms. Can i have her contacts please

  28. Simon

    Am buying the fresh mushrooms please contact me on 0750933468

  29. I need your training on mushroom farming and how cal get the seeds?

    Thank you

    • ssenyonga peter

      Favoured mushrooms we located in nansana we do teach and sell mushroom gardens WhatsApp or call 0707694367 for more information thanks

  30. Moureen

    Thanks alot . but is it true that you add agricultural like to the straw and in what quantities

  31. Mushroom enterprise is a profitable venture. I have got inspired. Can I get Kahunas’ mobile contact for a training in mushroom growing.Thx

  32. Mbabazi eliphazi

    Am already in busness but I need some can access her contacts .mine 0706414644
    Kampala busega.please do me favour and reply as soon as posibble

  33. How much is a garden and how can I access ur training

  34. Jerry Patrick

    I’m here in Kawanda bombo Road, I also have mushrooms but I don’t have market, 0784739579 that’s my number

  35. patricia komugisha

    kindly get me your Telphone.
    mine is 0788040241.


    Thank you for sharing this wonderful mushroom business story.Iam doing the same business in kisoro district with 500 gardens so far.I serve tourist restaurants most.The challenge I have are high costs of seed.I get some from kabale and mukono.I wish to undergo a training in spawn making. How costly is the venture. Thank you.BUHUTU STEVEN.

  37. annette

    I want to start this mushroom business ? i am just wondering how? i seriously need to learn production and i need to add value too . how are these mushrooms dried?

  38. Daniel

    I need to learn how to grow mushrooms

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