HASS AVOCADOS are a stone fruit with a creamy texture that grow in warm climates. Their potential health benefits include improving digestion, decreasing risk of depression, and protection against cancer.
They are naturally nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. It is the only fruit that provides a substantial amount of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. Avocados are also used to produce cosmetic products and herbal medicines.

Basing on the above mentioned economic and health benefits of the avocados, the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) has resolved to partner with farmers across the Country who are ready to grow avocado on large scale.
This was revealed today by Hon. Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja the Minister for MAAIF on a working day visit to Masubi Farm at Masubi Village, Bukabooli Sub-county in Mayuge District.

He said avocado growing is one of the areas where MAAIF will pump its resources into as a strategy to enhance its production. In a meeting attended by farmers, Commissioners and Directors from MAAIF, the Minister informed the audience that there is a huge market for avocado in Europe and other parts of the World like United Arab Emirates and Asia.
“A farmer can earn up to UGX 28 million per year from one acre of 160 trees for over 40 years. We only need to organize our farmers to ensure constant supply to the available market,” the Minister said.
He added that consultative meetings have been on, between MAAIF technical team and avocado farmers. “MAAIF horticulture team found out that Musubi Farm could be used as a model nucleus farm in our struggle to enhance avocado production in the Country, that is why we are here today”. He said.
Masubi Farm is a Hass Avocado value chain development project. It was tasked by MAAIF to take a lead role in rolling out this grand development plan by developing 2500 acres of the avocado fruit in Mayuge District.
The tree comes into production at two and a half years. In Uganda, a farmer can have two harvesting seasons and the tree life span is approximately 50 years.
Hass Avocado tree is expected to yield about 250 fruits in the first year of harvest but for the purposes of being conservative, a farmer can put the first-year harvest at just 100 fruits.
To cater to the significant volumes of fruit products that may not meet the export standards, MAAIF together with Musubi Farm are setting up manufacturing plants to add value to the fruit such as installing oil extraction machines to help the farmer deal with the burden of rejects and also solve unemployment problem in the Country.
i need to know how to get the seedlings and knowledge of how to plant those plants.
i need to start the business/ farming. how do i get the seedling?
and what does it require?
Hass Avocados is having different skins ,So which is the best or causes that? Waiting for help.thnx
i am a young farmer who is planning to venture into hass ovacado farming, can some one guide me on how to get MAAIF assistance.
Am new in hass ovacado farming, has established 20 acres of land 2500 seedlings from musubi farm Ltd. But the big challenge is that it dried by 30%. Anyone who has knowledge on how to get assistance from MAIF can help me so that I get plants for Gapfillings. Best regards. Muhangi Charles
I ventured into this hass avocado 8 years ago, I have one acre, mixed with other avocado types. I haven’t even earned a million. I give to animals instead because the market price is very low. we need more work from MAAIF, visionary leadership and real investment. What happened to the banana factory? Farmers are crying with no market for banana!
Can you reach out to me via 0775170346/0703828741?
Hello avocado truly is a good perennial crop with low establishment cost compared to banana, with 3years maturity period and 40 to 50 of existence farmers should take it up.
In Makerere university tissue culture laboratory in kabanyolo we have started producing clean planting material of Hass and other varieties of avocado. seedling are available at a cost of 3,500shs. contact lab manager on 0783272843, however lets not forget other good crops like banana and coffee.
This sounds promising.
So where does one start? How do we get to MAAIF for assistance to roll out this project?
This is a good venture if it can do well in every part of Uganda. Where do we get the seedlings and at what price?
This is good. But where can I get genuine seedlings at an affordable price.
Am gonna have this
This is a good initiative. Keep up

Thank you so much for the step taken in our agricultural projects.i would really like to be part of this project.my question is, is there any possibility of creating an association or something like that when some low income earners can buy stocks or shares? If not yet, would you please think about it because some people would really want to invest in agriculture for example ovaccado farming but they don’t have enough money to buy land and others accompanied expenditures.And am also interested but I need to learn more about this, how would you help me?
Hass Avocado may perhaps be a better deal than the mango projects which have failed to produce any substancial yield.
I am still stranded with about 1000 mango seedlings which I have failed to sell off to recover costs . I am now disposing of my 2 acre mango mother garden to replace with Hass Avocado
I request to be supported by MAAIF so that I also produce Hass Avocado seedlings for next rains.
I have established over 2000 root stock already.
Bob Mugerwa
Mugerwa, Mangoes and Avocados are both perishable products. Consequently, your challenges with mangoes will be the same as the challenges with avocadoes. It is not wise to get rid of the mangoes thinking avocados will be more profitable. The ministry promoting avocados is the same ministry which was promoting mangoes all across the country. I would suggest that you find a market for your mango seedlings and mangoes before you embark on another project likely to fail. My WhatsApp is +15068716371. We can chat about it. No worries, my number is public on the internet (and all social media).
This is a crop that needs to be promoted countrywide where it can grow well as a means of uplifting people’s economic standards and fighting poverty. Iam already promoting Hass avocado growing in my area. I welcome and applaud the Minister of Agriculture Hon. Sempijja’s move to partner with farmers who grow the fruit.
I need to join the group