Friday, October 18, 2024
Home > Agribusiness > Gov’t Donates Shs786M Irrigation System To South Ankole Diocese

Gov’t Donates Shs786M Irrigation System To South Ankole Diocese

The Sprinklers of the new Irrigation system at Kyamate South Ankole Diocese

South Ankole Diocese has received a Sprinkler Irrigation System worth Shillings 786 million thanks to the Ministry of Water and Environment. 

The Sprinkler irrigation system sits on twenty acres of land. Rt. Rev. Nathan Ahimbisibwe, the Bishop South Ankole diocese, says the Irrigation system is going to boost agriculture in the diocese. 

These include 300 acres of Coffee and Banana Plantations, which are intercropped with Beans, Cabbages, watermelon and passion fruit gardens. 

Bishop Ahimbisibwe says with the projects aim at improving the social welfare and economic development of the church and Christians of the area to eradicate poverty in the entire diocese.

Minister Francis Mwebesa commissions the irrigation system

Bishop Ahimiisibwe says the Church is will earn Shillings 1 billion from the projects annually, which will transform the diocese.

Ronald Matovu Kiiza, an Engineer with the Ministry of Water and Environment, says that the construction of the project that started in 2019 is an initiative of the President. 

He says Christians with the capacity to do commercial agriculture can copy a leaf and have the same irrigation system on their gardens.

Ketty Kamwiine, a Christian says the church is setting an example to Christians who are allowed to learn from the church projects free of charge and transfer the knowledge to their homes. 

She says that she has also started a poultry farm noting that she will be using the hatchery at the diocese to hatch chicks for sale. 

While commissioning the irrigation system, the Minister of Trade Industry and Co-operatives, Francis Mwebesa said the projects will help the church to meet its outstanding needs and pledged the government’s support to build a coffee processing factory. 


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