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22 Profitable Agribusiness Ideas That Will Make You Rich

There’s no doubt that agribusiness is a profitable enterprise considering the fact that the world’s population is increasing at a faster rate. This means that demand for agricultural products is certainly guaranteed yet land remains fixed, giving an opportunity to those with it to make clean money.

In this article, Business Focus brings to you 22 agribusiness ideas that are profitable and with ready market. These ideas are highly recommended by Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) to potential investors.  Read on!


This business idea is aimed at setting up a Chicken Hatchery. It is premised on hatching eggs for layers and broilers for both local and hybrid birds. The business will be hatching 38,000 chicks per month, which translates into 456,000 chicks per year.

Hatchery is a good business

The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 45,805 per month, which translates into US$ 549,657 per year. The business has a good market demand throughout the year and can provide employment to youth and women. The project initial total cost is US$ 19,500 with a net profit margin of 88% with a payback period of 3 years and 5 months.



This business idea is for keeping bees for production of honey and bee wax. The Revenue potential is estimated at US$ 10,400 per year with the project cost of US$ 7,345 and a profit margin of 73%. The expected payback period is 7 month.

There is high demand for honey for home consumption, pharmaceutical use in making drugs and in most instances it has replaced the sugar intake among people with health complications.


This business idea is for rearing pigs aimed at production and sale of 360 pigs annually. The revenue potential is estimated at US $ 86,850 per year with a profit margin of 75%. The total capital investment for the project is US $ 11,900 and the payback period is almost 5 months. The business risk involved in this idea is the high rate of infection, which spreads quickly among the animals. However, this can be mitigated by increasing the animal’s resistance e.g. by improving the quality of feeds.

Piggery project can make you good money

The structure of the pig market is wide throughout the year in butcheries as pork is popular among the public. There are several pork joints in the city and upcountry making demand for pork high.



Cornflakes are one of the most consumed breakfast cereals on account of their taste and nutritional value. They have a high market potential as they are consumed by adults, youth and children. This business idea aims at the production of 700 kilograms of cornflakes a day. The revenue potential is estimated at $ 436,800, annually, at a sales margin of 75% with an initial capital investment cost of $ 30,543. The payback period is about 7 months.


Grains are agricultural products that have a very high demand in the country. They usually include: Simsim, ground nuts, soy beans, maize, popcorns, beans and cow peas.

The project idea is based on adding value by packaging good quality grains and selling them at relatively low prices. The project expects to package 72,000 kgs of assorted grains per annum. Initial investment costs are estimated at US$20,370 generating revenue of US$92,695 at a net profit margin of 43% and payback period of approximately 2 years.



Coffee is a household crop in Uganda and a major foreign exchange earner. It is widely produced and many Ugandans take it as a beverage, and world over it is a cherished drink. The demand for coffee as a beverage is on the rise locally and any venture in its production and distribution is viable as it involves adding value to the coffee beans.

This project involves milling coffee beans into desired powder and sold over the counter to a waiting customer. The project requires an estimated fixed capital of US$ 5,300, operating costs of US$ 64,841 generating revenue of US$ 116,064 in the first year of operation. The payback period is 5 months.


Banana Wafers are a popular snack eaten world over. They are made by cutting bananas into thin slices. This project uses the banana variety commonly known as Matooke in Uganda and is readily available.  Wafers can simply be eaten directly or as desserts and puddings. It is a cross cutting venture as it can be undertaken in both rural and urban settings. The project initial cost is US$ 1,318 producing 46,800kgs of banana wafers per year giving an estimated revenue of US$ 35,100 annually with a profit margin of 475 and a payback period of about 4 month.


Ice cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products such as milk and cream, which are often combined with  other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar although some are made with other sweeteners. Alternatively, it can be made from milk from soya, rice and goat for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products and would like to avoid them. The production capacity is 38,376kg per year yielding revenue of US $107,453per annum from an investment with an initial cost of US $26,600. The project net profit margin is 45% with a payback period of 2 years and 5 months.


Animal feed plant is a place where their feeds are made. The need for balanced animal feeds forms an essential part of the intensive diary development programme.

What is proposed here, is the setting up of an animal feed manufacturing plant using local products like maize, millet and wheat. The business idea aims at the production of 93,600 kgs of animal feeds per year.

The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 121,680 annually, while the initial capital investment required is US$7,150.  The payback pay period for this project is approximately 6 months with a net profit margin of 50%.

With agricultural modernization and diversification, there is a good future and solid potential for growth. Thus, market for animal feeds is guaranteed except the need for sensitization of the local population on the benefits of using animal feed visa vie natural grass and plants.



Dog breeding is lucrative

Dog breeding is the practice of mating selected specimens with the intent to maintain or produce specific qualities and characteristics. The German shepherd, from Germany was originally bred for herding and guarding sheep.  Its origins date back to the 700’s. The German shepherd Dog is also known by the other names of Alsatian and Deutscher Schaferhund. The advent of the two World Wars influenced the history of this dog.

Production Capacity This farm will be capable of producing 50 dogs in a period of six months.

The Fixed Capital Investment required to start this project is US$ 43,048, the revenue potential is estimated at US$ 218,400 with the net profit margin of 28%. The payback period of this project is 2 years.

There is a high demand for German shepherd Dogs especially in schools, households, farms, and industries among others. However, they may also be exported.



Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. Coffee is quite popular as a leisure drink, and the ingredients of coffee include: caffeine, aroma, protein, tannic acid and fat etc.

The references show a small amount of caffeine can stimulate the brain and enhance memory while if caffeine is drunk too much,  then it may trigger high blood pressure, kidney and coronary artery diseases, which are negative effects.

It is projected that this plant will produce 1 ton (1,000kgs) of Caffeine powder per day. The production cost is estimated at USD 300,886, generating revenue potential of USD 655,200 per annum and a net profit margin of 54%.


Dairy farming is a class of agricultural, or animal husbandry enterprise, for long-term production of milk, usually from dairy cows but also from goats and sheep, which may be either processed on-site or transported to a dairy factory for processing and eventual retail sale.

It is a lucrative business, which can fetch big profits due to the increasing and ready market for dairy products.

The production capacity is based on the quality and number of animals raised on the farm. However, for 5 Friesian Cows, 100ltrs of milk will be produced as each Dairy Animal is capable of producing 20 Litres of milk per day.

This project will be operated locally on small scale, i.e. 5 Friesian Cows operated on 5 acres of land. The Fixed Capital Investment required to start this project is approximately US$ 73,521, generating a revenue potential of USD 374,400 per annum. The net profit margin is 6% with a payback period of 2 years.

There is a high demand for dairy products in Urban Centers of Uganda especially in schools, hospitals, households, and Dairy processing industry. However, they may also be exported.


Fruit Juice Canning is a method of preserving fruit juice sealed in an airtight container, which prevents microorganisms from entering and proliferating inside. The products may include: Canned fruit cocktail consisting of a mixture of fruits, such as; mangoes, tangerine, lemons, apples, and passion fruits. There is an increasing demand for canned fruits as they can be sold in both local and foreign markets.

It is projected that at least 100 Dozens of 300m litres (1,400 ltrs) of canned juice can be produced a day.

The demand for canned juice is very high in super markets, hotels and for export. Foreign markets will constitute about 80% of the total market size.


The importance of Vermi-compost, which is eco-friendly, has increased in recent years, as it is chemical free manure. The increase in the demand for fertilizers has also inadvertently led to the increase in demand for vermi-compost. The business risk is that some worms can easily die and some organic waste can be harmful to the soil texture, however, this can mitigated by applying Vermicomposting technology. It costs US$ 3,680 with estimated revenue of US$ 11,482, with net profit margin of 8%. The payback period is 3 years.


This business idea is for the production and marketing of powder milk. The business idea is premised on the production of 52,000 kg of powder milk per month, which translates into 624,000 kg per year. The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 208,000 per month, which translates into US$ 2,496,000 per year. The project cost is US$ 82,373 and the payback period of this project is 2 months.


This business idea is for the production and marketing of biscuits. Biscuits are confectionary products and they refer to small thin products of varying shapes, tastes that are of soft brittle texture.

They are referred to by different names in different countries. The revenue is estimated at US$1,404,000 per year. The payback period is really short i.e. 2 months and net profit for this investment is 92%.


This project is for extraction of oil from various oil bearing plants and grasses such as: Eucalyptus, cinnamon ginger, lemons neto etc. Essential oil is highly volatile and is essentially carried away by steam without undergoing decomposition. Essential oils are produced for use in medicine and perfume manufacture, and for other industrial purposes.

The project requires an estimated fixed capital of US$ 28,700 and operating costs of US$ 288,803 generating TR of US$ 505,440 in the first year of operation.


Eggs from local hens fetch higher prices

This business idea is for rearing of local hens for production of eggs. A hen is a domestic fowl bred for eggs or meat. This business idea is viable because you can get eggs, meat, hatch more chicks, which can also be sold at your wish. The business risk involved is diseases like coccidiosis; the solution is proper management and control of the business.

This business idea aims at production of 30,000 trays of eggs annually and 3,000 off layers per year. The revenue potential is estimated at US $ 135,000 annually. The initial capital investment cost for the project is US $ 995. The first three months demand a lot of investment yet returns are not realized. This idea needs a lot of patience.


Groundnuts paste is made from grounding fried groundnuts into a paste. The paste is used as a sauce stew to accompany food.  It is many times mixed with other sauce or mixed directly into food. It makes soup heavy, and tastes nice. It may also be used or pasted on bread and be used instead of butter.  This proposal will produce a safe product using stainless steel machinery unlike the present products produced using cast-iron equipment, which end up laced with materials likely to cause cancer to those eating it. About 250 to 350 kgs of groundnuts can be processed daily. An investment capital of US$2,768 would sufficiently start up this project. The project is estimated to generate annual revenue of US$327,600 with a net profit of 28%.


This business idea is aimed at growing and marketing of watermelons. The idea is premised on harvesting 12,000 watermelons per quarter which translates into 48,000 watermelons per year. The revenue potential is estimated at USD 7,200 per quarter, which translates into US$ 28,800 per year. The business has a good market demand throughout the year and can provide employment to the youths and women. The Project cost is about US$ 135, with a net profit margin of 84%.


Tomatoes are used for various culinary preparations and are known to improve taste in sauce or salads. They are widely grown in almost all the areas of Uganda. Therefore, they have a high demand throughout the year.

This business idea is premised on production of 30,004 tons per month which translates into 360,048 packed tins per year. The revenue potential is estimated US$342,048 per year with a net profit margin of 64% and a payback period of 4 months.


Mushrooms are a delicacy among members of society, therefore have a high demand. Areas of focus include restaurants, hotels, and supermarket chains.

Oyster mushrooms are a popular exotic mushroom. They have a delicate texture and just a hint of seafood in their flavor. Originally wild harvested, growing from the side of tree trunks, Oyster mushrooms are now widely cultivated.

The total investment requirement is US $9,272per year, with revenue estimates of US$104,832 per year, with a net profit of 7% and a payback period of 9 months.



Taddewo William Senyonyi
William is a seasoned business and finance journalist. He is also an agripreneur and a coffee enthusiast.

44 thoughts on “22 Profitable Agribusiness Ideas That Will Make You Rich

  1. skills on Irish potatoes growing

  2. l need more skills on lrish potatoes growing

  3. Am so much into coffee value addition as it has global demand with specialty markets for blended ground coffee. However the cost of machine’s for grinding specialty coffee powder and soluble coffee ingredients for ice cream companies or winery. Thanks


    I want more ideas on bee keeping and corn flakes. What can I do.

  5. Melanie sanyu

    Thanks for the great work…am inspired. Kindly provide more guidelines on grain grocery and local hens for eggs

  6. Wasige Alamanzan

    what an important information!. am already rearing local hens and goats. how can i raise the number of goats on a small piece of land (11/2) up to 500+ heads?

    • Atwiine Bernard

      I am involved in piggery. It is now one year since I started. I have a total 81 pigs 69 piglets and 11 old ones.
      I would need some financial services on low interest rates.
      And advise on how to progress

  7. Sharif

    Thanks for the great brain food. I would like to know more about watermelon growing and making of g.nut paste.

  8. Akena jimmy

    I,m interested in the hatcury business

  9. Namubiru Florence

    Am interested in local hen for eggs how can i start please replay me

  10. Isah

    Thanks for educative research, what is the cost of a Friesian Cow


    I’m also in the business of goat rearing and keeping Local chicken.
    We can connect to enable us do much more.
    +256392939903/ +256705382386

  12. Julius

    please i’m very pleased with your information regarding aggro-processing business.
    i will need to keep in touch with you.

  13. murami taibu

    Well researched, this is tremedous piece of idea, for agribusiness transformation. There is limit in the sky except in the mindset, am highly impressed and inspired and triggered.

  14. kabuusu godfrey

    interested in local hens how can start if i only have 500 dollers

  15. Damian

    Great business ideas. I will pick one or two for immediate implementation. Thanks alot.

  16. Kiplangat Silas

    Good ideas which can lead Ugandans to explore greater heights if followed.

  17. Byamukama John Bosco

    I’ve liked this info and am interested in watermelon & Gnut paste

  18. William

    Dear All, i have plenty of land in square miles for agriculture in Uganda on sales, contact me if you are looking for agricultural land for sale and hire


      Dear William
      Sometime in 2018 u posted that u had land for agriculture for sale. Is the land still available. My number is 0782716265

  19. Jonah

    Iam very much interested in poultry farming and I have ordered same give more information about it please thanks

  20. Joy

    Thank u so much am more interested in gnut paste and simsim paste

  21. twinomukama deus

    This is good I think if youth get more sensitization on such ideas it can create several businesses reducing the unemployment rate, crime rate and political demonstration rates

  22. Okecho Charles Moses

    Very brilliant and encouraging ideas. I have ever tried watermelon, it’s a good one. But I am interested in production of powdered milk and watermelon.
    I already have the land enough for cultivation of watermelon but without the financial muscle to start up the powdered milk production.
    I need financial support.


    Very good ideas. I am interested in producing powdered milk and biscuits.

    Is there any financing for new starters?

  24. Aworet George

    Job well done for the key personalities managing the economy.

  25. farai chiri

    am interested in bee keeping

  26. Frank Muzoora

    It’s a nice info

  27. Terence

    I am interested in local hens for eggs

  28. For me am interested in watermelon production at large scale and piggery.
    What can I do?

  29. ayira simon

    I wanted more lessons about piggery

  30. Igobe Magid

    Very much interested in bee keeping and Biscuits baking



  32. Asirifi Isaac

    Am interested in the bee keeping and piggery

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