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Trump Gov’t Releases New AGOA Guide For Uganda

The United States of America (USA) government has released new guidlines on Uganda’s relationship with the powerhouse under the AGOA arrangement.

AGOA provides incentives for African countries to become more globally competitive by making economic and commercial reforms. The main incentive is the opportunity to export goods, from a list of nearly 7,000 qualifying products, to the U.S. without paying import duties.

Exporting can be a challenging process, but it can also be profitable for the individual or company that manages to do it successfully. Exporters must follow two sets of procedures, 1.) The Ugandan laws and regulations that govern the export process, and 2.) The laws and regulations that govern the destination country’s imports, in this case, the U.S.

Regulations vary according to the product being exported, and exporters must conduct research to ensure that their product meets the necessary requirements for export as stipulated under AGOA product eligibility. This toolkit assumes that the exporter or potential exporter has already conducted the necessary market research, and is ready to export. Therefore, this toolkit only highlights the process of exporting goods from Uganda to the U.S. under AGOA.

Read the full report here

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