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Stop Drinking Alcohol, Trade Unions Boss Warns Uhuru

The head of Kenya’s Central Organization of Trade Unions, the umbrella body for the country’s trade unions, has appealed to President Uhuru Kenyatta to stop drinking alcohol.

COTU Secretary-General Francis Atwoli held a press conference in Nairobi on Sunday in which he urged Kenyatta to “sober up.”

Kenyatta appeared on state television speaking to supporters Friday night after the Supreme Court canceled his re-election and ordered fresh polls within 60 days. Atwoli said Kenyatta “appeared not to be sober” at the event and warned that Kenyatta may lose supporters because of his conduct.

Many Kenyans on social media have made fun of Kenyatta’s appearance, some calling him “Commander in Drinks.” In September 2015 activist Boniface Mwangi publicly urged Kenyatta to seek treatment for alcoholism.


2 thoughts on “Stop Drinking Alcohol, Trade Unions Boss Warns Uhuru

  1. I so hope he takes this advice to heart. On his recent behaviour his addiction could cost him the presidency. Help is out there Sir, please please sober up.

  2. Benson Nderitu

    On this one I agree, when the president appears in public clearly intoxicated , something’s very wrong, put your act together sir, you’ll have all the time to imbibe in retirement.

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