Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home > News > Rumored LGBT Activist Flees From Custody

Rumored LGBT Activist Flees From Custody

By Rose Kiyingi


Police is working around the clock to find a 40-year-old businessman who escaped from police custody. Kagesera Chause Kugonza is alleged to have fled from the cells at Kireka Police Station with the aid of a yet-to-be identified police officer.

A resident of Kamuli Zone B, Kagesera had been dragged to police by the area local council authorities for recruiting youths into immoral acts after luring them with promises of well-paying jobs and helping them to improve their lives.

Police reports indicate that on many instances, Kagesera and a one Kato David, 30 together with Chris Mubiru were busted conducting house parties that would turn into immoral sexual acts and booze binges.

After their arrest, Kagesera and Kato are said to have bribed their way out of police custody and are believed to be in hiding.


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