Agribusiness is increasingly becoming lucrative in Uganda. And a number of unemployed Ugandans are embracing agribusiness for income generation, while the employed ones are into farming to supplement their earnings.
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It is important to note that 69.4% of Uganda’s population is still practicing subsistence farming, according to the 2014 National Population and Housing Census Report released in early 2016.
This means that these people must be brought into the money economy through modernizing and commercializing agriculture if Uganda is to achieve a middle income status.
In this article, Godfrey Kigoye, an agronomist and trainer at Katende Harambe Rural and Urban Training Centre, takes us through the 10 lucrative crops that will leave you elevated to the millionaires’ club in 2017.
In no particular order, we bring you a list of 10 crops and how they can turnaround your life’s story. These crops have ready market in Kampala, upcountry towns and outside the country. In Kampala, markets such as St. Balikuddembe (Owino), Nakasero, Kalerwe, Kasubi, Nakawa, Wandegeya, Kibuye, Nateete and Kireka among others are of great importance for farmers of the crops in this article. Read on!
Passion Fruits
Kigoye says an acre of passion fruits (local purple) will require an investment capital of about Shs4.9m. This cost will cover seedlings, manure/fertilizers (compost manure, cow dung, CAN and NPK), labour and pests and diseases management.

If you don’t have a water source, you may need to construct a water tank to harvest run off water. A tank with capacity to accommodate 50,000 litres of water will cost you a minimum of Shs1.5m.
An acre will accommodate 750 seedlings or less depending on the fertility of your soil and consequently spacing. He explains that local purple variety starts flowering as early as three months and peaks at seven months.
He says a farmer can harvest the fruits for one and half years (72 weeks). He observes that under good agronomic practices, a farmer can harvest a minimum of two bags per week.
This means a farmer can harvest 144 bags in 72 weeks or more. At an average farm gate price of Shs150, 000 per bag, a farmer will bank a gross profit of over Shs21m.
It is important to note that prices can go as high as Shs400, 000 per bag. If the 144 bags are sold at Shs200, 000 per bag, a framer will earn Shs28.8m. What a return on investment!
Matooke is one of the staple foods for many Ugandans, and its high prices have made some people resort to other foods! But this presents an opportunity to money savvy people to make extra cash.
Unlike passion fruits, Kigoye says, matooke growing isn’t labour intensive and while it will require an investment capital of between Shs3.9m-Shs5m, it is worth it.

Kigoye says matooke growing requires digging huge pits (4ft*4ft width and 2ft depth) and filling them with a mixture of top soil and compost manure.
He says a pit should shallow a wheelbarrow of compost manure, adding that good suckers cost between Shs15, 000-Shs3, 000 (for tissue cultured bananas).
Good varieties include Mpologoma, Kisansa, Kibuzi, Mbwazirume, Nsakala and Muvubo. He says mulching to conserve water is a must.
One can use dead grass to mulch or apply live mulch using cover crops/herbs like lablab and ‘mukuna’. He also advises digging contours between rows to control soil erosion.
He adds that when matooke is still young, you can intercrop crops like beans. If they are to be mixed with coffee, spacing is 15ft*15ft.
He says in the first year, one will harvest 450 bunches and going by an average price of Shs20,000 per bunch, a farmer will earn Shs9m.
The following years, one can harvest two bunches, meaning that a farmer will be able to harvest 900 bunches in an acre.
This will translate into Shs18m. Under good management, he says many varieties of matooke can last 10 years or so. He says one must prune his plantation and leave only two suckers excluding one that is carrying!
He advises farmers to apply manure every start of the season for better results. Matooke farming is surely one of the crops that can change your fortune.
Tomatoes is one of the crops that can make you quick cash, but also one that can make you dread farming for you can make terrible losses if not calculative.
But fear not for many have become millionaires by growing tomatoes, a key ingredient in preparing a good meal. What you need is a good variety and plant at the right time. According to Kigoye, seeds of a good variety that can be enough for an acre will cost you Shs700, 000.
He however says one can cut on costs by getting seeds from tomatoes of a good variety from a trusted farmer or source.
He advises planting at the end of April or in November to avoid bumper harvest when the market is overcrowded. This means you will need to do some irrigation.
Apart from manure, you will also need to apply NPK and manage pests and diseases using the recommended pesticides and fungicides.
You can start harvesting at 90 days and the process goes on for three months. Up to maturity, it requires an investment of Shs3.9m-Shs4.5m. A farmer can harvest a minimum of 120 boxes and going by Shs200, 000 per box, a farmer will earn a gross of Shs24m. Good return on investment! Isn’t it?
Green Pepper, Sweet Pepper, Entula (Bitter tomatoes) and Egg Plants
The seeds for the above crops that can cover an acre will cost a minimum of Shs100, 000. All you need is to get the right variety, do a nursery bed (pot) and transplant into a well prepared field.
This means a field that is well fertilized with manure. These crops that can grow in open field and green house can make you incredible money when grown during off season (given the fact that a few people in Uganda carryout irrigation).
This means planting in April or November is ideal. After planting, one should manage pests and diseases well. Under best agronomic practices, Kigoye says a farmer can harvest 3-4 bags per week.
The harvest can go on up to two months. Today, a bag of green pepper goes for Shs150, 000 at farm gate price but during bumper harvest, it can go for as low as Shs20, 000!
Sweet pepper is bought in kilograms and a kilo goes for Shs10, 000 going by the current market prices. If one harvests an average of 100 bags of green pepper, they will earn a gross of Shs15m in three months. Kigoye says investment capital for the above crops is estimated at a maximum of Shs2m for an acre.
Many farmers have been disappointed with maize, thanks to ignorance! Fact is you can get money from maize farming.
All you need is a good variety, proper spacing and pests and diseases control. Kigoye says an acre of maize requires about 10 bags of manure.
The price of manure varies according to locality, but the average is Shs5000. He says when maize is at knee height, a farmer should apply a pesticide to kill the maize stock borer and every two weeks apply a foliar fertilizer.
This helps the plant develop a coating that prevents sunshine from damaging the crops. When about to flower, Kigoye says, a farmer should apply a foliar fertilizer that helps maize cobs grow big and strong.
With an investment of about Shs1.5m or less, a farmer can harvest between 3-3.5 tonnes in four months. Going by the current prices, a farmer can earn an average of over Shs3m.
It is important to note that, the more the acreage, the less the investment and the higher the return on investment.
This is another vegetable crop that can mint you clean cash when grown during the off season. An acre can accommodate between 19,000 and 40,000 cabbages depending on the variety grown and consequently spacing.
Going by the average farm gate price of Shs700, a farmer can earn between Shs21m and Shs10.5m assuming he harvests 30,000 and 15,000 sizeable cabbages respectively.

According to Kigoye, an acre requires an investment of about Shs2m. For a farmer to get the best results, he must apply best agronomic practices.
He discourages farmers from growing cabbages during the two main rainy seasons in Uganda because bumper harvest results into lower prices.
Pumpkin farming isn’t labour and capital intensive. With an investment capital of about Shs1m, a farmer can earn over Shs6.7m.
This is because an acre will accommodate 450 pumpkin plants since spacing is 10ft*10ft (3 metres) apart. Considering the fact that one pumpkin plant can produce a minimum of 10 pumpkins, 450 plants will give you 4,500 pumpkins and if each is sold at the current farm gate price of Shs1,500, you will earn Shs6.75m in a space of about seven months.

All you need to get best results is apply manure before planting, apply a foliar fertilizer and manage pests and diseases well. It is important to note that a pumpkin can go up to Shs2, 000.
To inquire or comment on this story call: +256 775170346 or email:

I have not seen irish potatoes listed why?
300 acres of titled land available for sale in northern, Nwoya district, out of which 200 acres have been opened. Very good terrain for usage of farm equipment. +256701119118 whatsapp. More acres can be hired for a more than 300 acres farm. It has two access routes one along Kampala – Arua highway and the other via Amuru district head quarters.
We do have grafted macadamia Seedlings 🌱 upper hybrid (Intergrofolia ) and Rootstock
( tetraphylla ) as well.
We do have Grafted Avocados (Hass Avocado) too
Kindly call:
+254 720 002288
+254 736 002288
Mr. Kennedy
Thank you for the educative piece. I tried tomatoes and it was quite labour intensive . i wanted to try something which isnt labour intensive and i am thinkinv of the green cow peas. Any advise on that please?
Thanks for the good eye oppener.
How do I get manure , I’m in Mukono district
Good advice
thanks for the lecture.Am going to start with cabbages but do you connect buyers to sellers?Thx
Thanks for the good lectur sir.Am in green pepper farming,and by end of September, they will be ready for harvest.And i will be able to pick 1 or 2 bags per week.So,is their any market? Am in Mbarara district,reach me on 0703618004
I have liked the cabbages because of the easy maintenance costs and the high returns especially in the dry season.How can I acquire the right seeds
Am aged 22yrs please contact me on +256704742814
Thanks for the good advice you have given us
Thank you so much for the encouragment on agrobusiness.I have three acres of Garden Eggs(Ntula).in aweek from now am starting to pick one month from now i will be picking bags…can i get market here?
contuct me on 0770521044 for market purposes…thanks
Namugenyi Gorret yes you. I can get for you market contact me on this number 0757679244 and it’s on what’s App for more information
Thank you for the rich advice. Very inspiring. I need advise on green house farming, nature of green houses and the best crops to give good returns under green houses. Thank you
Please continue with the very inspiring knowledge.l am going in for passion fruit. Will there be ready market? I m ln Oyam Distrt
I need your advise please. Between cabbages and water Mellon, what is the most profitable
It is good information, am in need of land about ten acres at an agreed fee and years
I should like to go into “Banana Passion-fruit”, Can I get seeds from you? I mean the ‘hard cover type’ of Passion fruit also known as “obw’abalalu” in Luganda because they are often stoned down.
This type is very resistant to disease and weather conditions, the reason for my choice.
I am in Pallisa, Eastern Uganda.
I have land for an agreed fee (agricultural only) in Kayunga ; 0759194625
Thanks Kigoye, I know you are an Agro enterprise Facilitator and practicing farmers; Your knowledge and statistical returns are practical.
Am In Atiak Practicing Entula,tomatoes And Carrots ,amarathus Anyone Interested Call 0788605408 And If You Have Big Land Wil Be Added Advantage.
Is it wise to directly plant cabbage seeds in October so that I can only hustle with watering expenses for the last two months of December and January?
Jam already in system with got land around mbarara town for vegs,jam ready to work with an interested guy watsap me on 0786123635′ together we can achieve our goals thank u
I’m looking for fertile land.. I need about 3 to 4 acres..
Contact me via or call/WhatsApp 0775170346
here in masindi, tomatoes and cabbages are doing wonders.
For market call 0753330985 or 0781072343
i hope the have learnt the source of starting today
very good lecture, i personally visited Katende Harambe Rural and Urban Training Center when i was still at campus in 2012 as of now i am practicing what i copied from this farm. hope other readers can also the same from this online lecture
Are you doing well? Can we interview you?
Thank you so much people. Am now on my second season doing maize. Am farming in Mbirizi Masaka and also open to having fellow farmers utilizing my land at a fee. strictly for farming purposes. the land is about 17 acres
Contact me on Whatsapp+256701642204 if u still have that land
Thanks 4 public! Am interested in growing entula and eggplant but I have limited market so help mi wiz better market.
Thanx 4 the lecture sir. Many ugandans practice subsistance farming coz they dont hv money to invest in…..!
Thanks alot boss for ur lecture and advice but me I’ve been on tomatoes but now I will go in for watermelon because it seems to be high yielding
Hello thanks for good tips I have two acres on sale in nakaseke district Semuto sub county 52 kilometres from Kampala town any interested call 0770505754 it’s on whatsapp
Well done. The information is fit for people with no good attitude towards farming. I tried cabbage, proper timing and good agronomy result into good yields and better market price. God bless you
Thanks for the outlines..however, harvesting 3,000kgs of maize may require more investigation. I have been in this field for 8yrs now, the highest one can make is in range of 1,500Kgs to 2,100Kgs.
However, my request is to brief the readers on a demonstration farm or garden where 3,000kgs have been achieved, for learning purposes.
Mr. Kuta,
I have seen a friend of mine harvest 3000kg per acre, not for one season but many seasons.
He however, did a lot on land preparation, spacing, applying fertilizers.
It is possible.
Hello everyone. Thanks a lot brothers and sisters for the good ideas shared. Going for maize and pumpkins.
It was a very good article sir for me am interested in pumpkins .Is there market for them because I grow them deep on nakasongola
I am greatful dear for the educative programme but there is one problem of us not getting phone contacts of people to help us mean farmers already in progress.
Hello all,
i want to join farming soonest, i was looking at farming maize, gnuts.kindly advice and how to get the market
We do have grafted macadamia Seedlings 🌱 upper hybrid (Intergrofolia ) and Rootstock
( tetraphylla ) as well.
We do have Grafted Avocados (Hass Avocado) too
Kindly call:
+254 720 002288
+254 736 002288
Mr. Kennedy
Thanks mr kigoye to let people know the value of the so called small land they have
Thank u so much 4 da lecture sir, but sir am asking whether i can be thru wz beans & soya, are they on market?
Soya bean has a stable. Beans is also good depending on location and type. If you’re in the north or Easter Uganda, chromatin, sila and gadam sorghum which is a raw material in beer production would be an ideal crop. Simsim and ground nuts too has so far the best prices on the market.
Mr Kigoyi thanks for teaching tomatoes can do something for me with your help especialy pestcides.
Hello. Good article here. I am also into farming and I am looking for a tractor that can help me plough more than 300 acres of land in Soroti, Uganda. Any readers here who knows how I can get this at fair prices? Mr. Senyonyi, also if you have any leads I can follow in this respect, I will be grateful. Thanks. Keep up the good work.
ping me on my email (jbalikuddembe(at) i try….what is a fair price in your regard?
interested in agriculture to use this land on a fee agreed on. We can make an agreement for a period of years
Send me your point about your land
cool idea… am in TANZANIA finding for the pumpkin market
Please I want to grow pumpkins,beetroots and cabbages but I don’t know where to get da seeds thank u .ma contact 0784161096
Naome I can use that land am need of it. Thanks
Hi thank you sir for your good information. I have some land between masaka and lyantonde. But I don’t stay in Uganda so am wondering if you can help me to get people who are interested in agriculture to use this land on a fee agreed on. We can make an agreement for a period of years until I can be able to decide what I will do on it. I will appreciate. Thank you.
Send me an email via
Madam can i get ur contact i need that land u mentioned
Thanks for the advice in this corona period, I will specify in green paper
We do have grafted macadamia Seedlings 🌱 upper hybrid (Intergrofolia ) and Rootstock
( tetraphylla ) as well.
We do have Grafted Avocados (Hass Avocado) too
Kindly call:
+254 720 002288
+254 736 002288
Mr. Kennedy
how big is the land,is it still available, thanks
I have liked the lecture, however I would like to get more knowledge on tomato farming, 0757806371
Get in touch via
Send me the details of how to plant tomatoes
good article. However, irrigation or stable water supply is key to getting good market price and overall profitability.
hello Naome
thanks to you to have good will of helping people to get a place where they can work. so I am read to cultivate that land ,therefore you can give me your contacts through my email : or my tel number +256781030668
thanks and may God bless you
Hey sir, iam interested in your land and iam ready to hear from you.thanks
Hi Naome,
Is that land still available, if yes please get back to me. Thanks.
Is this land still available?
I would like to use it
I have green pepper any market
try kk foods
Am interest in tomatoes
Thanks for the good information… I have pumpkins,but market is the biggest problem on me plz help me..
thanks for the information,am a teacher of am planning to grow 2acres of pumpkins l think l can get market
Market is available. Great move
good work and keep it up
I am a kenyan but regardless of nationality I am really grateful for the tips you’ve shared.It is significant in whichever venture to do. As for me, I’ll do pumpkin.
Mr. Kigoye thanks for insight into those crops that can change our fortunes. I am also in namugongo like your training centre.
I enquire to know if you train and consult in backyard gardening practices.
Yes they do. Call him via 0753531157
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this website.
Even two years down the road, the information has been relevant to me.
What about onions production am in for it next season. I need your advice too on that.
Big thanks and best regards
Thanks mr Taddewo am abroad now when I come back I want to invest in pumpkins but do we have market,I was dealing in nakati farming before coming this side
Thanks for giving us your educative information about how you can become a billionaire in a short time.
Am already in maize practicing so I apply the the method because am at the starting stage.
God bless you.
Tenywa Paul.
How to harvest water which help me during dry season
Thanks for the insight.
It’s high time I join the business
The surge in numbers of middle class going for Agribussiness is a good indicator of a progressive future for our country Uganda
With the growing improvement in infrastructure and political stability, surely the future is pleasing.
I want to take on maize. The articles has inspired me and given more insight on investment cost.Ambrose Lira.
Soya bean has a stable market. Beans is also good depending on location and type. If you’re in the north or Easter Uganda, chromatin, sila and gadam sorghum which is a raw material in beer production would be an ideal crop. Simsim and ground nuts too has so far the best prices on the market.