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Prophet Mbonye To Boost Tourism Potential, Uganda Airlines Expected To Reap Big With Zoe Fellowship International Visitors

Zoe Ministries founded and presided by Prophet Elvis Mbonye is set to boost the tourism sector through Christian tourism this coming year 2020 with potential to earn Uganda $5billion annually if they succeed in attracting at least 300,000 weekly foreign visitors to their Tuesday fellowships.

These remarks were made by Collins Tugumisirize, an economic expert in Kampala. Pictures of Prophet Mbonye’s flying on Uganda airlines went viral on social media, which showed his support of the new Uganda airlines, which still has the challenge of winning peoples trust and confidence, having been launched only this year.

Scores of Christians will travel to Uganda to attend prophetic fellowships, meetings, seminars starting with Tuesday 7th January 2020 which will benefit the sector immensely.

Unlike other once in a year international meetings, Prophet Mbonye’s international meetings will be weekly events in Kampala. Some of the Entities to directly benefit include Uganda airlines maximizing the benefits of air transport, leisure centres, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, as well as visiting culture artifacts sales.

In recent years, both spiritual and religious tourism has grown to be one of the largest branches of tourism, it is estimated that seven percent of the world’s Christians, about 168 million people are “on the move as pilgrims” each year. Spiritual tourism unlike religious tourism attracts people from different religious backgrounds seeking inspiration and supernatural intervention.

Religious tourism only attracts faithfuls of that given religious sect, for example the Namugongo martyrs shrine is one of the sites for religious tourism in Uganda which attracts Catholics from different parts of the world to learn and pay tribute to the martyrs who were killed by Kabaka Muwanga of Uganda once every year.

It is said that this site receives approximately two million pilgrims on the third of June annually.

“If Uganda govt promoted Prophet Mbonye’s prophecies and miracles as a heritage, we would soon see hundreds of thousands visiting Kampala on a weekly basis, owing to the weekly Zoe fellowship meetings that will be Jam packed with inspiration, prophesies that empower individuals, national leaders and powerful business men attending these fellowships, to plan better for the year”, said Mr. Collins Tugumisirize, who also doubles as a consultant working with Leverage Africa Limited.

Mr. Tugumisirize added that “CNN twice ranked Uganda as having one of the world’s highest tourism potential to become number one tourist destination in the world, but has failed to compete against South Africa, Kenya, Morocco and Egypt on the same wildlife or historical sites.” . Quoting Professor Kamuntu Ephraim, formerly minister of Tourism and wildlife, Mr. Tugumisirize said that “Uganda needs to focus on promoting conferences, fellowships and meeting events that will attract repeat international visitors in larger numbers.”

“If Nigeria’s immigration says that 6 out of every 10 visitors to lagos have come to attend the weekly service of Prophet TB Joshua which hosts over 150,000 weekly. How many more people from different denominations will come to Kampala, if Uganda embraces and promotes Prophet Elvis Mbonye’s meetings whose international prophecies have not yet been matched by any other prophet, psychic or guru in the world.”

“We have a unique National Asset in Prophet Elvis Mbonye who will bolster our tourism sector, if we celebrate the gift and put away such sectarian religious policies being consulted on.” Mr. Tugumisirize concluded.

Prophet Elvis Mbonye is to date the Prophet With an Unmatched Record Of Prophetic Fulfillment.

Some of these prophecies include but are not limited to, “predicting the exact date of the 2004 Tsunami (26th December) 3 months prior to the disaster, the North African government overthrows prior to any signs of upheaval, the 2010 Uganda terrorist bombings and numerous other prophecies, all in the presence of many attendants to weekly prophetic fellowships held at the KCCA Kyadondo grounds. Having seen all the prophets 2019 predictions about UK politics, USA politics, South Africa politics, Turkey activities in middle east and Uganda’s police woman who was promoted to ministerial position, both Ugandans and international visitors are looking forward to hearing what will be predicted for 2020 given the growing economic and political uncertainty in many parts of the world.

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