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Analysis & Opinions

Opinion: The U.S Is Acting Like A Jilted Lover

By Sam Evidence Orikunda

We should not pretend, the U.S had its own interests in the recent concluded general elections in Uganda. Through civil society organizations, they injected a lot of dollars in opposition activities in Uganda.

Maybe because they were trading weak and unpopular candidates their mega plan to plant a president in Uganda failed. We’ve heard confessions of the youth who were paid a hundred thousand Uganda shillings each  to riot and others   were given cash to buy Tyres which  would be burnt on Ugandan roads.

Even in the media, I’m sure some journalists  got cash with an  intention to give more  attention and coverage to a particular opposition candidate with hopes maybe  Ugandans would be convinced to vote him.

All that was done with hopes that it would yield results but sorry it didn’t work.

It should be noted that in some African countries, those strategies have been tried and hear they worked. Actually during the campaign period, I heard and read that some of the officials that the U.S sent in Uganda were experts of those evil strategies and as soon as they reached here they started the work. 

 I guess it was a planned move to have them transferred to Uganda with hopes that they would use that expertise to put Uganda  down.

It’s not by coincidence, that for the first time we had a presidential candidate whose lawyers based in some country closely followed events here, made statements and run a campaign on Twitter. It’s also not by coincidence that a certain Candidate chose to send his children to the US few days before elections  and frequently went for visits in that same country. It’s also not by coincidence that Facebook, a U.S based social media company chose to delete accounts of the people who supported President Museveni and the national Resistance Movement. No explanation has ever been given up to now and those accounts are closed up to date.

Having failed in all those evil plans against the Pearl of Africa, the U.S feels they shouldn’t give up.

 They’re also angry and ashamed of themselves, that’s why they have now embarked on witch-hunting different  officials in the Ugandan government under the disguise and foolery of fighting for human rights. If their fight was genuine and human, we wouldn’t be having any problem with them.

Also, I guess as Ugandans we also have Questions that we can put across and have attention of the people in the world. The U.S has continued to be a scene of  racism with several black people losing their lives to white extremists.

If indeed they were defenders of human rights why wouldn’t they fight against racism and  make sure it ends? How many people will be shot and killed before they know that there’s a problem of racism in their own systems  which hurts other people in the world. Why then, would they focus on other countries before cleaning their own house? That’s hypocrisy and self righteousness that the Bible strongly condemns. 

The National Resistance Movement government believes in rule of law, respect of human rights and sovereignty of other countries. This is why we’ve not had any challenges with other African countries apart from those who intendingly  provoke us and want to create those problems. Our principles and ideology always guide us to push for goals that do not interfere with the citizens rights, well being of Ugandan people and the peace of our neighboring countries. I guess that’s why we continue to be a sweet home for thousands of refugees some of whom do not want to return to their own countries.

The U.S should stop pretence, they should accept results of the recent concluded elections in Uganda and respect the decision of the people of Uganda. They should accept that thru made a loss. The person they were pushing was an amateur in politics, maybe they should further groom him to make a better candidate next time but if he fails again we shouldn’t be blamed for his weakeness and poor choice. However as they try to interfere with our country’s Politics the Ugandan administration will continue committed to doing what benefits citizens as agreed upon on the manifesto of 2021 elections. The Ugandan Constitution perfectly state that the power belongs to the people. Maybe, I think we may need to explain that article to the Jilted lovers in the U.S so that they May understand and stop the witch-hunt.

The writer is a deputy RDC Kitagwenda District.

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