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Analysis & Opinions

Op-ed: I Disagree With President’s Speech Writers, Scientists For Once

President Yoweri Museveni

By Nabendeh S.P Wamoto

Cry my beloved country; “All I have seen has taught me to trust God for all I haven’t seen” said Ralph Waldo Emerson. On this particular occasion in a period of ten days past, I have been overwhelmed by a myriad of hot global topical issues to comment about including but not limited to:

United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York where in a recorded statement President Museveni rebuked the Western States of the “Me first syndrome” especially with the vaccine nationalism while in his address US President Joe Biden to the same Assembly said the United States is going to work with all nations that step up and persue the battle against Covid-19, peace and security and explained peace as breathing free rather than being polluted with authoritarianism.

Violent re-arrest of the bailed MP Allan Ssewanyana by Security and Intelligence officers I previously held in high regard and esteem. The problem with Uganda is that she doesn’t miss a single chance of making a fool of herself especially when commanders that I personally catered for under the command of Generals Ivan Koreta and Apollo Gowa Kasiita who trained many of them reneged those values to mistreat a high profile citizen when just a month ago the Commander-In-Chief warned them against the vice.

The third issue in the week was my Kenyan trained OB, Hotelier Paul Rusesabagina a Rwandese who had strangely been convicted in a Kigali court for terrorism charges. I say strange because we (Hoteliers) are trained and inducted to be hospitable (like hospital personnel). I imagined myself a terrorist who had been placed incharge God forbid of Foods and Beverages (feeding) detail for an International Army Generals’ school as I had previously been in the early 2000s. It would have been a catastrophe to destroy both the country’s best and visiting war strategists who go to war to cause peace for all humanity Latin for “Ad Bellum Pasis Causa”.

Then came the President’s latest Covid-19 address to the country on 22nd September, 2021 with disturbing statistics of teacher and other school staff vaccinations per district rating some districts in Bugisu to be specific Namisindwa District among the best performers which statistics appear totally non evidence based given that these teachers and school staff are not teaching in the districts where they are vaccinated from, they were locked up in those districts but teach and work elsewhere. The Scientists and speech writers were on the spot again because the children are not going to school today but they accompany parents and/or guardians to the indoor markets, now weekly open air markets, worship houses, arcades and loitering in the villages where they can easily contract the virus and return home(s) to infect their parents, guardians and grand parents. His Excellency’s speech writer(s) seem to fear what American political commentators call the “George Ball Syndrome” Ball, a former Under Secretary of State was allegedly fired by Lyndon Johnson when Ball truthfully and genuinely told the then President that the United States could not win the war in Vietnam.

Our President has been misled (wrong briefing) again like the speech that was prepared for him on 30th November, 2020 during his campaign trail in Mbale regarding the shoot-to-kill rampage by Security Officers on Ugandans which contents the President recently retracted, rebuked the perpetrators who shot and killed people and threatened to cause prosecution of those involved (check my advice, Daily monitor December 2nd 2020 Page 16). The President’s speech writers have resorted to Hockey referees’ approach. One remarkable aspect of professional hockey to an unschooled observer is the way referees allow all the players to fight. Usually they (referees) step in a separate the combatants only after they have hit each other a few times. The game’s aficionados explain this behaviour by saying that if referees stepped between two would-be combatants immediately, not only would they be dampening the excitement but they would likely receive the blows meant for the combatants by letting the antagonists go for each other they are looking out for themselves.

The worst case scenario and best example for wrong briefing was in 2010 in Lima City, Peru, South America, a wrong brief to President Allan Casius Perez regarding undressed men and women cyclists all riding on sideways heading to State House forcing President Perez to take off towards the border only to return after he was better briefed. Please Scientists, speech writers stop your exaggerated sense of self importance and save Uganda trouble.

Nabendeh S.P Wamoto (0776658433/0752658433)

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