NPA Executive Director, Dr. Joseph Muvawala
The National Planning Authority (NPA) has asked Government to fully open up the economy, saying that the COVID-19 infections have greatly reduced.
NPA Executive Director, Dr. Joseph Muvawala made the remarks while appearing before parliamentary committee on finance.

He noted that last year NPA received funding of Shs350 from the National Institute of Health in the USA and they were able to develop a predictive personalized public health model which they have been able to use to predict the COVID-19 infections in the country.
Muvawala said that according to this model, they expect COVID-19 infections to reduce further to only 47 infections in the next two weeks.
He added that as the planning authority for the country, they do not see why the economy should not be opened up.
Muvawala also wants parliament to come with a mechanism of monitoring budget funds, saying that the government is losing a lot of resources in COVID-19 funds.