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M7, Lwanga Clash In New Twist As Archbishop Trashes Bad Politics

Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga of Kampala on Sunday quoted President Yoweri Museveni and the Constitution while preaching against bad politics.

In his New Year’s homily at Rubaga Cathedral, Archbishop Lwanga said the president once said all Ugandans belonged to the Movement system.

“The president one day said all of us belong to the resistance movement. He explained to us why he started the resistance movement. He said I want people to resist bad politics.”

This was the gist of Dr Lwanga’s New Year message that hinged on promoting democracy, good governance and resisting bad politics. His message is a smack in the eyes of politicians, including President Museveni, who have been criticising religious leaders for opposing the recent constitution amendment to remove presidential age limits.

Every time Archbishop Lwanga quoted the constitution on freedom of expression or Museveni’s historical remarks, he was cheered by the congregation. He referred to the National Resistance Movement (NRM’s) 10 Point Programme stipulated by Museveni in his book, Sowing the Mustard Seed, as a good guide in the work of national renewal.

Lwanga said as he read the 10 point programme that in democracy, people give in their views and then governments choose the best. “All these ten points are very good for nation building,” he said amidst applause.

Lwanga noted that all Ugandans have the duty to promote not division or bad politics but national unity for the development of the country.


Museveni in his New Year message last night lashed at religious leaders saying they “are so full of arrogance. They talk most authoritatively on all and everything even when they have not bothered to find out the truth. This is assuming they do not have evil intentions which would be worse.”


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