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Here Is How To Feed Dairy Cows To Increase Milk Production

A number of Ugandans are practicing dairy business. However, many don’t get the best out of their dairy cows because of poor feeding.

Are you into dairy farming and you’re not getting enough milk? Relax! In this article, you will learn more on how to feed your cows and get the best.

Read on!

After calving, a dairy cow should be fed 3kg of concentrates (dairy meal) per day depending on individual production. The animals may be challenged further by increasing their dairy meal rations for up to an optimal level.

Dairy meal should be fed after milking so that the cow remains standing until the teat canal closes. This helps to avoid teat infection and mastitis.

Farmers should supplement their dairy cows with yeast either in feeds or drinking water to boost milk production.

Yeast fed to a dairy cow improves feed digestibility, increases feed intake and overall performance and productivity.

Yeast extracts increases the number and activity of beneficial bacteria leading to increased rate of ruminal fermentation and a subsequent increase in net energy.

As more organic matter is fermented per unit time, the animal is able to consume more dry matter which also increases net energy.

As the number of beneficial bacteria increases, there is subsequent increase in microbial protein, which when combined with increased net energy leads to high milk production.

Stimosol Oral is a well-balanced combination of yeast, vitamins, organic acids and minerals.

Mineral supplements should be provided as they are essential in milk production, they improve fertility, reduce incidences of retained placenta and also contributes to development of strong bones in the growing foetus.

Granular mineral salts should be mixed with feeds in a feeding trough or fed with the concentrates. It may be necessary to moisten the granular mineral licks to prevent dusting during licking as this predisposes the cows to respiratory problems.

Provide mineral salts at a rate of 150g for every 5 litres of milk produced, and an extra 60g for every 5 extra litres.

Free lick Intromin Mineral block should be availed at all times. Wholesome drinking water must be available all the time.

Source: African Farm Resource Centre

2 thoughts on “Here Is How To Feed Dairy Cows To Increase Milk Production

  1. Philemon mollel

    Thanks for the lesson

  2. isabella

    send me the latest guides

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