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Home > Featured > Health Ministry PS Praises BrandPoint Experts Recording Studio For COVID-19 Offer

Health Ministry PS Praises BrandPoint Experts Recording Studio For COVID-19 Offer

The Permanent Secretary of the Health Ministry, Dr Diana Atwine has heaped praise of city recording studio BrandPoint Experts for an offer to help in the fight against COVID-19.

Diana made the remarks on Monday as the audio studio made a donation to the country’s efforts fight the spread of coronavirus.

BrandPoint Experts offer was presented by the manager Emma Asaba.

“I want to thank you for the offer. Normally, we pay a lot of money to record adverts which run on radios but the fact that you have offered to do them free is very commendable,” Diana said as received the formal offer from Emma.

According to the package, BrandPoint Experts is offering free space in it’s Najjera based studio to record anti-coronavirus messages in all languages in Uganda.

While presenting the offer, Emma, said the studio focuses on sensitizing the masses on public health and welfare awareness.

“We thought this as an opportunity for us as BrandPoint Experts to also give a hand in helping to sensitize the public on the dangers of COVID-19 and how to prevent it through out service,” Emma said on Monday afternoon.

He later met with the health ministry communications officials including Richard Kabanda to map out a way forward for the engagement.

BrandPoint Experts is an initiative that focuses on social awareness, marketing and responsibility in various fields such as public health and welfare.

The recording studio, located in Najjera is fully equipped and also engages in talent development.

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