The Inspector General of Government (IGG), Irene Mulyagonja has opened a war on Prof. Anthony Mbonye, the top official at Ministry of Health. Mbonye is also the husband to President Museveni’s cash comptroller Lucy Nakyobe, who controls all the billions sent to State House by ministry of finance (approved by Parliament).
He has literally been fired according to documents obtained by Business Focus.

He has been serving as Director General of Medicines Services and at the Ministry of health that position is very powerful and equals to that of deputy PS.

The reasons why the IGG want him out are contained in the detailed report that Business Focus obtained from its reliable informers in the IGG (see more info in the documents provided here).
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Professor Mbonye has been battling with the Minister for quite some time,She hates the fact that this man is more qualified,more experienced and indeed this is struggle for power in the Ministry. The President should appoint Prof.Mbonye are the new minister for Health in the next Cabinet reshuffle
Thats a fact.Prof.Mbonye is highly qaulified.His CV is larger than life.Its a pity that the ministry is being run by mediocres like Diana and Ruth.Its a big shame.Mbonye has attracted many donations to MOH of which Ruth has failed to do.Thats why they are fighting him.Diana misleds the president about MOH.she is messing it up.She should instead leave.