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Defence Ministry Reveals Key Milestones Recorded Since 2021 As UPDF & Other Security Agencies Grow Stronger

 Huda Olero, the Minister of State for Defence (Veteran Affairs)

The Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs (MODVA) has highlighted remarkable achievements in its 2021-2026 NRM Manifesto implementation.

These are in areas of strengthening Internal and Regional Security; Continued Professionalisation and Modernisation of Defence and Security Forces; Welfare of UPDF personnel; Developing Defence and Security Infrastructure; Strengthening Research and Development, and promoting Production for Wealth Creation and Self-Sustainability.

The Minister of State for Defence (Veteran Affairs), Huda Olero, told the media in Kampala on Wednesday that generally, “MODVA has registered 90% achievement in implementing Manifesto Commitments mainly in terms of strengthening security, capability enhancement, staff welfare,  infrastructure development and production.”

Olero was updating the nation on Defence’s performance in the implementation of NRM manifesto for the period 2021-2026.

In line with the ideology of Pan-Africanism, Olero said that the UPDF was deployed to help in the pacification of other African countries including Somalia and South Sudan to improve peace and facilitate trade.

Olero revealed that the UPDF has been built through training and equipping and as a result, Uganda is secure and peaceful. Olero said that the UPDF is built as a national army through a deliberate representative policy on recruitment through quotas per district.

“The National borders are secure, save for the Northern and Western borderlines which continue to experience spill over effects from activities of negative armed groups in South Sudan and Eastern DRC and continue to generate inflow of refugees and asylum seekers, with their attendant challenges into the Country. The Joint Security Forces have relentlessly continued to conduct preventive and disruptive operations to deny terrorists cross border infiltration and freedom of action in the country. Since July 2021-to-date, UPDF has trained and equipped over 400 Counter-terrorism personnel to undertake counter-terrorism operations,” said Olero.

By 2021, there was persistent insecurity and lawlessness  in the Karamoja region and surrounding sub regions due to proliferation  of illegal firearms.

Olero said that the insecurity included livestock raids and indiscriminate killings leading to poverty and underdevelopment.

Effective July 13 2021 to-date, 1,279 firearms and 11,142 ammunitions have been recovered and 55,931 livestock (cows, sheep, goats, camels and donkeys) have been recovered and returned to rightful owners.

Owing to the growing dependency on digital technology, Olero said that the Country continues to be vulnerable to cyber threats.

According to Olero, UPDF established a Cyber-Security Unit to detect, prevent and curtail acts of cyber-crime and has built capacity in training, research, technology and equipment to deal with the threat.

In addition, Olero added that in April 2023, the Ministry partnered with the Government of India and established the National Forensic Sciences University- Jinja which will offer courses in cyber security studies, forensic investigations, research and information science etc.

Before 2021,  illegal fishing and smuggling of immature fish was  prevalent in Uganda especially in L. Victoria, L. Kyoga and L. Albert.  According to Olero, the use of undersize nets and unregulated fishing practices led to over fishing and depletion of fish stocks especially Nile Perch (by 46%) and Tilapia (by 38%). To address this, she said that the UPDF through the Fisheries Protection Unit embarked on strict enforcement.  As a result, she said,

90,900 tonnes of immature fish and assorted illegal fishing gear were impounded. Cumulatively, Olero revealed that approximately 70,000 suspects were arrested and many successfully prosecuted for dealing in illegal fishing.

“This has significantly improved fish production, protection of aquatic life and increased revenue from the fisheries industry. According to URA statistics of FY 2023/24, government earned UGX 1.136bn compared to UGX 521m earned in FY 2022/23. This is attributed to increased export of fish products, especially the introduction of 8% export tax on fish maw,” said Olero.

The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) had carried out a number of massacres displacing thousands and using the region as a base for terrorism. The group had intensified attacks on civilians and was linked to Islamic State in Iraq and Syria(ISIS) further elevating the threat level. The instability posed threats to Uganda, including cross-border attacks and recruitment efforts by the ADF targeting Ugandan nationals.

In November 2021, Joint UPDF-FARDC operation against ADF in Eastern DRC was launched to dismantle ADF/IS-CAP  centres and disrupt their supply lines. The joint operations continued to be successfully conducted in Eastern DRC with significant achievements.

Olero said that several ADF camps have been dismantled and weapon cachés destroyed, logistical network weakened, recruitment disrupted and improved control of DRC Government in previously ungoverned areas.

“The sustained pressure against the ADF remnants has caused the group to flee into Epulu Game Reserve, North of Komanda – Lolwa – Mambasa rd and in areas of Tshopo Province, West of Mambasa Biakato – Beni – Butembo highway. Uganda and DRC have continued with bilateral agreements with a view to extend the area of operation in pursuit of the enemy,” said Olero.

According to the Ministry, the situation in Somalia is still fragile and unpredictable as Al-Shabaab continued to target military and civilian installations as well as ATMIS convoys along the Main Supply Routes (MSRs), leading to death of innocent people and destruction of property. Olero said that the most affected areas remain Banadir, Lower Juba, Lower Shabel and Hiiran regions.

“ATMIS and Somalia National Security Forces (SNSF) operations against Al-Shabaab have been maintained across the country, leading to the killing of some of the terrorists, recovery of weapons and ammunition. There has been intensified psychological and civil military operations by our own Forces facilitating defections and surrender of some Al-Shabaab mid-level commanders,” said Olero. “It is important to note that ATMIS drawdown is ongoing and African Union Support and Stabilisation Mission in Somalia (AUSSOM) will take-over in January 2025.”

To maintain regional and international diplomacy, Olero said that the Ministry deploys Defence Attachés in allied and partner states all over the world and active in regional and international security mechanisms, geared towards achieving common peace, security and stability.

The Minister says that the Ministry undertook continued capacity and capability building of the UPDF through acquisition of equipment and training.

In line with Article 208 (2), of the Constitution of Uganda 1995 as Amended, the recruitment into the UPDF is done according to district quotas based on the population of each district in relation to the national population.

Since 2021, Olero said that the UPDF has recruited 50,523 in line with the Manifesto commitment of continuing with a deliberate policy of recruitment quotas per district.

To-date, a total of 117,352 personnel have been trained and retrained both inland and abroad. The Ministry conducted mission training of 11,404 personnel under Battle Groups, United Nation Guard Units (UNGU) for deployment in Somalia and troops for deployment to Equatorial Guinea.

The Minister revealed that the salary enhancement has been implemented based on the Pay Plan for the Long Term Pay Target for all public servants which covers the UPDF as well. “Over the years partial salary enhancement has been done for various categories of UPDF personnel,” said the Minister. “In FY 2024/25 partial enhancement for soldiers of rank (Private to Captain) has been effected with a private enhanced to Ushs 650,000. Effected enhanced pay for UPDF scientists and specialised personnel including; Engineers, Pilots, Medical personnel, among others. Full enhancement will be implemented in the subsequent Financial Years.”

Olero says that the Ministry continued to provide preventive, curative and palliative care health services to UPDF officers, militants, families and surrounding communities in 170 UPDF health facilities. In addition, she added that the UPDF health facilities have been equipped with medical equipment and lab consumables.

“The capacity of medical personnel has been built through training in various specialized disciplines including endoscopy, oncology, cardiology, radiology, dental, urology, physiotherapy, mental health, among others. Medical Referrals were made for complex cases to other Health Facilities under MOU arrangements,” said Olero.

Formal Education is a key facet of the Ministry that aims at providing quality education services to Soldiers’ children and surrounding communities.

To this, Olero said that the Ministry has 52 learning institutions spread across the Country which include 37 primary schools, 11 secondary schools and 04 Tertiary Institutions. Over the years, she said the enrolment in 52 learning institutions across UPDF establishments has increased from 44,401 learners in 2021 to 50,170 learners in 2024.

Recently, the President/CIC launched the Presidential Support Fund (PSF) as a revolving fund to support the spouses of UPDF personnel with Ushs 1.9Bn initial capital. Olero says that the fund provides affordable and tailor-made financial services to spouses of UPDF personnel.

“Currently, the revolving fund has accumulated to Ushs 4.426 Bn for 5,013 beneficiaries in 321 groups. Some of the interventions of the PSF include; Income generating activities which have improved UPDF families’ welfare. The projects include; laundry bar soap making, piggery, poultry keeping for broilers, rabbit keeping, tailoring, bakery and pastry, hairdressing, goat rearing and maize growing in various Formations and Units. Training of Trainers for spouses projects in various projects,” the minister said.

The Ministry continued to improve the welfare of the Officers, Militants and their families through provision of goods and services at subsidized prices to a total of 10,855 service personnel. The items provided include; construction items (cement, iron sheets, iron bars, paint, tiles, among others) and non-construction consumables.

In FY 2021/22, Olero said that the Ministry constructed 670 housing units aimed at improving the living conditions of personnel across the UPDF services. The Ministry constructed a number of Health facilities and the major ones included; Construction of a 362- bed referral and teaching hospital at Mbuya to provide specialised medical services, including oncology and cardiology.

“The current physical progress is at 78% with completion expected by end of 2024,” said Olero.

The Ministry has also constructed a 40-bed hospital ward  and a mortuary.

Olero said the Ministry has procured equipment for Engineering Bde to enhance their capacity to undertake the various projects. The equipment procured was for road construction, water drilling, design and documentation.

The Ministry’s Engineering Brigade has over 3,149 personnel with various qualifications and skills in engineering discipline which is one of the necessary requirements before undertaking infrastructure projects.


Since 2014, the Ministry says all UPDF Officers and Militants that retire are paid their retirement package and pension in full and on time.  However, Olero said that about 68,000 Veterans that retired before 2014 including those that went under the Reduction In Forces exercise of period 1992-94 are being handled as follows;

-15,498 cases have been paid Ushs 163,587,872,255.

-14,535 cases are yet to be paid.

-37,967 cases are unclaimed.


Olero says that the Ministry’s efforts to undertake the commitments is faced with the under-listed challenges. These are:

Security Threats: Olero said that the country continues to face threats including; terrorism, mainly orchestrated by ADF and Al-Shabaab terrorists; cattle rustling in Karamoja sub-region and neighbouring districts; and insecurity across Uganda’s frontiers among others.

Funding Shortfalls:  According to Olero, the recurring increasing financial gap, delays planned interventions including equipment acquisition, training, welfare, infrastructure projects, logistical requirements (food, fuel, clothing, vehicle maintenance) among others; hence affecting soldiers’ welfare and operations.

Increased Tempo of Military Operations:  Due to increase in tempo of operations especially in Karamoja and eastern DRC, Olero says that there is increased pressure on the budget and other resources.

Inadequate Housing and Accommodation: Olero says that the Ministry continues to face shortage of housing and accommodation for UPDF Officers and Militants, who continue to reside in makeshift houses, affecting morale, welfare and efficiency of the Force.

Increased Tempo of Military Operations: Due to increase in tempo of operations especially in Karamoja and eastern DRC, the Minister says that there is increased pressure on the budget and other resources.

Inadequate Housing and Accommodation: According to the Minister, the Ministry continues to face shortage of housing and accommodation for UPDF Officers and Militants, who continue to reside in makeshift houses, affecting morale, welfare and efficiency of the Force.

Pension Backlog:  Olero says that the Ministry faces the challenge of 14,952 unpaid backlog cases which requires additional resources to ensure seamless transition of military veterans into civilian lives.


“One of the main NRM Manifesto commitments to Ugandans is peace and security, which acts a foundation for socio-economic transformation. The Ministry has continued to undertake the commitments of the NRM Government in the Manifesto for 2021-2026, as shown above. The whole country is peaceful and secure and as a result Ugandans have been able to go about their business without fear of insecurity from within or outside the country. The UPDF has been supported to undertake its Constitutional mandate and implement the directives of H.E the President, issued from time to time as the Commander-In-Chief of the UPDF. However, there are some challenges that affect the implementation of the commitments, as mentioned above. By the end of the Manifesto period, the Ministry will have delivered on 95% overall of its commitments. This is because the highlighted unmet commitments will be handled as follows; Referral Hospital will be completed within this FY unpaid Pension backlog cases will have been paid by end of the Manifesto period Housing Accommodation for soldiers will have been partially addressed,” said Olero.


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