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Gov’t Reinstates Ban On Timber Exports

Eucalyptus logs/Courtesy photo

The Government of Uganda has reinstated the ban on the exportation of unprocessed timber products as per the Presidential directive.

In a letter dated 5th October, 2023, Abel Kagumire, the Commissioner Customs at Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), informs all Customs Staff that a meeting held on Wednesday 4th October 2023 in the Office of the Prime Minister decided that the Presidential Directive banning the exportation of unprocessed timber products be reinstated until further notice.

“Pursuant to the above development, all staff are hereby guided to cease the clearance of unprocessed wood products with immediate effect,” Kagumire writes, adding: “staff are directed to only clear value-added timber products in accordance with the earlier guidance issued on 18th August and 25th August 2023.”

The ban had been lifted following Government dialogue with timber dealers.

It should be noted that President Museveni on 24th May, 2023 issued an executive order and banned charcoal burning and illegal timber production in the country to control the damage caused to the environment by indisciplined individuals and ordered the respective agencies to take action.

Accordingly, police informed all timber traders, transporters, middlemen and locals who often work in complex situations to ensure that they aid the illegal transportation of timber to stand warned that it is now illegal to export timber out of the country.

This ban comes amidst reports of increased deforestation in Uganda. Forests are cut down for agriculture, urbanisation and logging for charcoal and other business.

Experts say that if the government does not intervene to slow the rate of deforestation, the country’s National Environment Management Authority expects to lose all of its forests in less than 25 years. Almost all of the forests outside of protected areas have been cleared, according to studies.

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