Thursday, September 19, 2024
Home > News > Josephine Mukumbya Appointed Executive Director Of Agribusiness Development Centre

Josephine Mukumbya Appointed Executive Director Of Agribusiness Development Centre

Josephine N. Mukumbya (pictured) has been appointed as the executive director of Agribusiness Development Centre (ADC), an entity which was founded by Rabobank Foundation and dfcu Limted to specialise in capacity development of farmer based organizations through training, business mentorship and coaching, offering them the prospect of a sustainable future.

Josephine joins an experienced team where she will be responsible for providing strategic leadership for growth of the overall organization, its partners and the agribusinesses working with ADC.

Josephine holds a Master’s Degree in Banking and Finance for Development from the Fondazione Giordano Dell ‘Amore in Italy and is a certified Coach credentialed by the International Coach Federation as an Associate Certified Coach.

She is an experienced professional in Governance, Risk Management, Business Planning, financial Portfolio Management, Capacity Development, Coaching and working cross culturally. She has a proven track record of superior performance in five financial institutions, an International Development Agency and a multi- donor funded social enterprise in varied roles as a Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Credit Officer and Senior Private Sector Development Advisor.

In these jobs she has garnered expertise and experience in Leadership, Coaching, Agri financing mechanisms, Treasury management, Risk Management, Finance, Relationship management, Credit risk management, Business Development, Product development as well as digitalization.

4 thoughts on “Josephine Mukumbya Appointed Executive Director Of Agribusiness Development Centre

  1. Akenda cosmas

    I’m so greatful,she is an experienced woman who can manage ADC very well.

  2. Chris Kabagambe

    She’s a solid agribusiness operator and will certainly succeed at ADC

  3. Charles Kamugasa

    She will add much value to ADC and the sector at large coz of her experience and love for agribusiness.
    She is very experienced and passionate about agribusiness.
    Good luck to her.

  4. Hope she will provide skills to farmers on how to make money in agriculture.

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