Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home > Agribusiness > US Ambassador Trashes Ugandan Seeds: 50% Are Fake

US Ambassador Trashes Ugandan Seeds: 50% Are Fake

The United State of America ambassador in Uganda Deborah Malac, says about 50 percent of seeds sold on Uganda market are counterfeit, which results into loss of income to farmers.

Malac attributes the increase in fake seeds to inefficient market place that rewards bad behavior and corruption.

Malac made the remarks this morning at the National Closeout meeting for USAID’s Feed the Future Uganda Agriculture Inputs Activity at Kabira Country Club, Kampala.

Feed the Future programme is the US government global hunger and food security response. It has been operating in Uganda for the last five years.

She said Feed the Future Uganda Agriculture Inputs Activity aimed at increasing the availability and responsible use of high quality seeds and fertilizers to farmers and decrease the prevalence of counterfeit agricultural inputs in the Ugandan markets.

The programme partnered with government institutions such as Uganda National Bureau of Statistics (UNBS), Ministry of Agriculture, local governments and private sector supply chain businesses.


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