Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Speaker & Deputy To Get New Cars Worth Shs5.4bn

Current speaker Rebecca Kadaga wants to reatin office in the 11th Parliament

The Speaker of Parliament  and the Deputy Speaker in the 11th Parliament will get new cars.

Parliament has recommended for the purchase of new cars in the Financial Year 2021/22.

In a report to Budget Committee, the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee headed by West Budama North MP, Jacob Oboth said that the Speaker and deputy Speaker will need 13 new vehicles  at a cost of Shs5.423bn.

The new vehicles shall include those of the speaker and the deputy speaker in the 11th parliament including their lead backup police cars and entitled directors and assistant directors.

 The legal and parliament Affairs committee report to the budget committee indicate that the financing of this item has a shortfall of Shs5.423bn.

The committee observed that though each committee is entitled to a car worth Shs200m, no provision in the budget has been made  to avail Shs165bn for the purchase of cars for each MP to enable them execute their mandate .

The committee also noted that the 11th parliament will have 555  MPs,   increasing from 457 and this will create a wage shortfall of  Shs21.324bn in the financial year 2021/22 budget.

However, the Budget Committee has discovered that  98 MPs may not be with offices in the 11th Parliament after noting that no provision of funds has been submitted to the committee to avail the offices.

Currently, the 10th Parliament has 457.

The new parliament building construction will be complete after two years from now.

Kasilo County MP, Elijah Okupa said that government should provide funds for the offices for the new MPS .

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