Home > 2022 > November (Page 27)

Fort Portal Residents Complain of Stomach Complications After Eating Grasshoppers

 Grasshoppers are a popular delicacy in Uganda Several people in Fort Portal City are battling stomach complications after consuming grasshoppers. During the months of November and December Uganda receives grasshoppers commonly known as “Nsenene”, a popular delicacy in some parts of Uganda. Grasshoppers are highly nutritious with 40 percent protein, 43 percent

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Museveni Tells Banks To Stop ‘Foolish Lending’, Says Directive Against Eviction Of Bonafide Bibanja Holders Still Stands

President Museveni (in white shirt) in a group photo with Uganda Bankers' Association members at State House Entebbe yesterday President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has urged banks to lend cautiously. “On the issue of land evictions, I'd like to clarify that if a bank foolishly or in connivance with tricksters accepts to lend money

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Uganda Wins Over EU Parliament As ACP-EU Assembly Cancels Resolution Blocking Oil Pipeline Project

Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa (3rd Right) attending the ACP-EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly The Africa,  Caribbean, Pacific —European Union (ACP-EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly sitting in Maputo City, Mozambique has on Wednesday November 2nd voted to let Uganda proceed with developing the much sought-after East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project (EACOP). The ACP-EU

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Farmers Want Coffee Marketed By Region Of Origin To Enhance Quality, Competitiveness

Coffee being dried on raised beds at Mugamba Farm in Kabarole district. Marketing coffee by origin will improve quality/Business Focus photo The coffee farmers and dealers in the greater Masaka sub-region want the government to consider marketing coffee by its specific regions of origin to safeguard quality. Fred Luzinda Mukasa,

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