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ICTInternational News

New Report On Innovation In Africa Finds Youth Believe The Next Mark Zuckerberg Could Come From The Continent

Mark Zuckerberg Africa’s youth prefer using local innovations and believe that the next tech billionaire could come from the continent, according to the recently launched Africa – innovator or imitator? Exploring narratives around Africa’s technological capabilities report by Africa No Filter. The research was done in Egypt, Morocco, Ghana, Ivory

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CTI Africa, Buikwe Local Gov’t Sign Historic Digital Health Innovation Agreement

Signing the historic agreement are Godfrey Kuruhiira Akiiki, CAO of Buikwe District, center, and Gadi Yerushalmi, COO,  CTI Africa, left, with Dr. Richard Bbosa, Buikwe District Health Officer, right. CTI Africa Ltd., a leader in information technology, has signed a far-reaching healthcare agreement with the government of Uganda’s Buikwe District.

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Gov’t Spends Shs236.3M Daily On Treating Critically Ill Road Accident Victims

Dr. Charles Ayume, Chairperson Parliament’s Health Committee A new report on the magnitude of road traffic injuries reporting to public hospitals in Uganda shows government is spending billions annually on treating road crash victims.   Presented before Parliament by Dr. Charles Ayume, Chairperson Parliament’s Health Committee, during the plenary sitting,

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