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Victoria University Partners With NFT Consult To Produce Best HR Managers

Victoria University Friday July 27, 2018 signed a Memorandum of Understanding NFT Consult, aimed at helping the University students get a well nurtured career in Human Resource Management.

The event was witnessed by the Human Resource Managers Association of Uganda represented by the Secretary General, Ajal Joseph.N

FT Consult was established in 2005 and has operations in 7 countries; Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and Zambia.

The company offers mainly three HR solutions:-

  • Managed Services, these include:-Manpower Solutions, Payroll and Benefit Solutions, Contact Centre Solutions, Innovations, HR managed solutions, and Field Force solutions.
  • HR Process Outsourcing such as executive Search, recruitment solutions, Industrial Research and analytics, and compliance solutions.
  • Learning and Talent Development that include Career Development programmes, strategy facilitation and team building.


Victoria University on the other hand presents to the partnership a base for grooming young, dynamic and vibrant Human resources in various fields of academic training.

It is home to four faculties- Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and management, Health Sciences and also the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Through all these faculties, the University presents a total of 360 degrees training for its learners and thus identifies industry partners with which to ensure total teaching and learning.

Prior to the signing, the Dean of Humanities, Fred Kasirye identified the need to bridge the gap between the academia and the practitioners thus such partnerships.

In His speech to welcome NFT consult as a partner of the University, the Vice Chancellor, Dr Krishna N Sharma identified the need for student centered teaching and learning if tomorrow’s unknown opportunities have to be harnessed.

He pledged his University management’ s total support to the realization of the common ideals of the MoU.

Particularly the MoU is aimed at Offering unpaid internship placement at NFT Consult for students enrolled for the HRM Degree courses, engaging the professionals in curriculum development to enrich university programmes and together build Capacity of HR in the land and beyond (offering both academic and non-academic training) among others.

While accepting the kind gesture by Victoria University to partner with NFT, the General Manager of NFT Consult,  Annet Kijjagulwe asserted NFT readiness to be a key player in building the skill set to embrace the employers’ demands, today and tomorrow building on the efforts made by the lecturers at the University.

She tasked the guests present to always yearn to be better and offer quality to their employers and as gesture to improve the quality of the country’ Human resources by simple gestures such as time management, team appreciation, quality communication among others.

As witness to the signing of the MoU, the General Secretary of the Human Resource managers Association of Uganda, Ajal Joseph reiterated the need to train for the future.

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