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Uproar As Mountains Of The Moon University Students Study Under Trees

Lawmakers on Parliament’s Education Committee have protested the practice of students of Mountains of the Moon University in Fort Portal City studying under trees due to the high numbers of students admitted.

This followed a request made by the Ministry of Education and Sports to approve Shs5.9Bn to the University as development budget, to improve on the infrastructure of the University, whose students numbers have left the institution with no space but condemn students to study under trees and verandas.

The revelation was made by Derrick Namisi, Principal Economist, Ministry of Education and Sports remarking, “The increase in student enrolment includes 100 Government sponsored students. This has led to a space crisis. Due to inadequate space, some students currently study from verandas while others study on tree shades and dilapidated structures especially under the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Sciences.”

According to the Ministry of Education, the University Council approved the Construction of Agricultural Block Teaching facility complex as a long term measure to solve future teaching space needs and the Shs5.9Bn will be used for setting up of a Pre-fabricated facility to provide for teaching and office space; and for effective teaching and research, the University required to carry out ICT facilities.

The money will also go towards the procurement of assorted office Furniture; and renovation of University Buildings and Structures such as leaking lecture roofs under the Faculty of Health Sciences; plastering and repainting the wall surfaces, ceiling and repairs of the floor at the Faculty of Agriculture and the Lecture rooms in Block A & B which houses the University Library.


The revelation attracted anger amongst MPs like Isaac Etuuka (Upper Madi County) who wondered why these Universities are admitting more students than the infrastructure at the institutions can support.

He said, “It really beats my understanding, we know the facilities that we have in these institutions, if the facility is for 50 students, why do we go admitting beyond the facilities that we have. It really gives a very bad impression that University students study under trees. It is better to have a smaller number that you can handle very well and you provide for them quality education. It isn’t nice to hear that in Uganda, University students study under trees, it is very embarrassing.”

The same sentiments were shared by Emmanuel Ongiertho (Jonam County) said it was about time that Parliament started demanding for the strategic development plans of these Universities to avoid scenarios of flooding Universities with students that would end up overwhelming their infrastructure.

“Universities at what point are you going to tell us that we have reached our limit and beyond this we aren’t going to talk about more students? The students population, the staffing population is supposed to be within this limit for like the next 10years,” said Ongiertho.

The Chairperson, Parliament Education Committee, John Twesigye wondered if the decision by Government to takeover Mountains of the Moon under its wing was ill informed, given the new information that students are studying under trees.

He argued, “Are you planning well? Has government given you that chance? You would have told us last time so that we don’t approve your request to acquire you as a University by Government because you aren’t ready.”

It should be recalled that in September 2021, Parliament approved a motion for Government to takeover Mountains of the Moon University in Kabarole district, as part of the fulfillment of the Presidential pledge and at the time of the takeover, the University had 2500 students and by the time of takeover, the University had held 12graduations and the University was sitting on 360acres of land, with an additional 200acres for the establishment of an agriculture training facility and farm.

Twesigye also wondered if the National Council of Higher education, mandated with licensing institutions of higher education needs to carry out inspections before teaching programmes are approved.

“Whereas we are crying as a country to have more students in higher education and universities, we need to be mindful that the facilities that we have in these universities aren’t adequate and the budget is constrained. I am wondering whether we would just give an olive tree to leave the National Council of Higher Education to just accredit programmes to just flood these students in these universities and they end up studying under trees like students of Mountain of the Moon University,” said Twesigye.

Edmond Kagambe, University Secretary, Mountains of the Moon University also confirmed the plight at the University noting, “The University needs to build urgently for us to continue training these students. I said we are having students study under the trees, although we have a plan of expanding the University, but there is limited funding, that is what we are looking for.”

The Minister of State for Sports, Peter Ogwang informed the Committee that an onsite visit will be conducted at the University to establish the actual problem as to why students are studying under trees.



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