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Q&A: How NSI Water Is Revolutionizing Solar-Powered Irrigation In Uganda

Amen Bulwadda, the Managing Director at NSI. Water Ltd

Irrigation is increasingly becoming a key requirement for farmers in light of the devastating climate change that has resulted into prolonged droughts in recent years.

According to the National Irrigation Policy, Uganda’s ratio of cultivated area under irrigation to the irrigation potential is only 0.5%. This compares lowly to 3.6% for Tanzania, 2.0% for Kenya and 1.6% for Burundi.

A number of companies have come up to complement government efforts so as to increase the area under irrigation in the country.

NSI. Water Ltd is one of the fast-growing companies that is offering a wide range of irrigation and water related services.

Business Focus had an exclusive interview Amen Bulwadda, the Managing Director at NSI. Water Ltd, to shed more right about the company’s products and services in as far as water and irrigation are concerned.

Below are the excerpts of the interview;

Q: Briefly tell me what NSI. Water Ltd is all about?

 A: NSI. Water Ltd is  limited company that was incorporated in 2014 with an aim of providing innovative solutions in the water and energy works. The company is composed of two main divisions; water and solar divisions.

The water division covers water supply projects, water treatment (commercial & industrial), irrigation and swimming pools.

The solar  division covers solar water heaters, solar street lights, solar water pumping , solar lighting, and solar hybrid systems.

The business holds stocks of all the above equipment from world premium manufacturers. We have the capacity and experience to design, install and support all the above water and energy infrastructures.

Q: Irrigation remains expensive. What are you doing as NSI Water to ensure more Ugandans have access to irrigation services?

A: Irrigation is very important for agricultural growth in the country.

To ensure that farmers can afford reliable irrigation systems NSI Water has designed cost effective solar pumping solutions that have very low operational costs  compared to the existing solutions on the market and yet we also put in mind that the initial cost of these systems are comparatively lower than the existing solar irrigation systems.

Our solutions come under our brand name abtech. We offer comprehensive after sales support including training and ready spares.

Q: What challenges are you facing in providing solar and water solutions to Ugandans?

A: One of the main challenges in the market is that it’s currently flooded with incompetent and unprofessional suppliers.

These suppliers have damaged the reputation of solar solutions by offering inconsistent and unreliable solutions that are mostly undersized and composed of low quality components that frequently fail to meet the clients expectations.

Many often do such systems to win business.

Q: What advise do you have for farmers seeking irrigation services?

A: I advise customers to consider the business profile, experience and professionalism when selecting suppliers. They should also not employ middle men when seeking for solutions.

Q: Your last word….

A: In our offer, we give free consultations, site surveys and designs to those who are ready to work with us. Therefore, by choosing us

as partners for your solution in our scope , you will not need a consultant for assessments and the corresponding reports.

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