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PHOTOS: Minister Kasolo Meets Taxi Operators, Urges Unity To Benefit From Emyooga Program

The state minister for microfinance Haruna Kasolo Kyeyune has appealed to taxi operators to organise themselves if they are to benefit from government’s Emyooga program.

Kasolo made the appeal on Wednesday during a meeting with the operators in Kampala on how best they can benefit economically from the presidential initiative on job and wealth creation –Emyooga.

Some of the taxi operators listen to Minister Kasolo at Nakivubo Primary School

“The taxi industry is huge but lacks organisation to help propel it. You are disorganised and that’s why you think that your occupation is wrong which is not the case,” Kasolo said at a meeting held at Nakivubo Primary School.

He added, “I regard the taxi business highly because if its importance in the economy. But disorganised people cannot be governed, I blame politicians for this.”

At Nakivubo, Kasolo met operators from the Old Taxi Park, Kisenya Park, USAFI and Valley Park.

Emyooga was launched by H.E the President of Uganda in August 2019 as part of Government’s continuous strategies to transform 68% of Ugandan homesteads from subsistence to market-oriented production.

It is financed by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development through the Department of Microfinance.

Kasolo also explained the how the Emyooga program works, encouraging the operators to save and unite.

The minister speaking at Lubaga Gardens. At all events to popularise the program, Kasolo challenges listeners on how they can save better to create wealth.

“We should all work together on this to make it a success unlike previous programs, irrespective of one’s political inclination,” Kasolo said.

The minister carried the same message to Lubaga and Old Kampala where he met Natete, Kibuye and Busabala taxi operators.

Later in the day, he met operators from the new taxi park, Namayiba and Namirembe at Old Kampala Secondary School.

A total of 45 SACCOs are going to be established in the Old Taxi park.

Hon Benny Namugwanya, state minister for Kampala urged the operators to take advantage of the program


The Microfinance Support Centre Ltd (MSC) is responsible for the planning, management, budgeting, reporting and accountability of all funds disbursed for the program. This includes funds disbursements to the groups and training of members and leaders.

The Emyooga programme was conceived to scale up direct support to communities through establishment of various specialized funds/Myooga-specific Apex SACCOs at constituency level but with operations/branches at parish level. This approach is consistent with the parish model adopted in the National Development Plan 3.

It targets Ugandans from 18 clusters including; Boda boda riders, taxi drivers, restaurants, welders, market vendors, women entrepreneurs, youth leaders, people with disabilities, journalists, performing artists, veterans, fishermen, and elected leaders who form saccos and each gets shs30 million as seed capital.

Taxi operators who attended the event at Lubaga Gardens

As part of the arrangement, shs30m has been earmarked for each SACCO as seed capital while SACCOs involving leaders will get shs50m.

Direct membership to the Constituency Apex SACCOs shall be by the respective parish groups/associations which, in turn, shall draw voluntary membership from individuals in the community engaged in a related economic activity (e.g. Welders, Tailors) or belonging to a specific special interest group (e.g. PWDs, Veterans), as applicable.

The Finance Ministry provided Ushs. 30 billion in the FY 2019/20 to MSC towards implementation of the EMYOOGA programme and Ushs. 210 billion has been provided for the current financial year. This Quarter, Ushs. 140 billion has already been disbursed to MSC for programme implementation.

District Task Forces headed by the Resident District Commissioners (RDCS) and comprised of District Commercial Officers (DCOs), District Community Development Officers (DCDOs), Local Council V Chairpersons (LCV) and District NRM Chairpersons (DNRMC), are charged with mobilizing communities to participate in the program.

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