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Parliament To Investigate Merger Of 77 Gov’t Ministries & Agencies

The deputy Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among has instituted an adhoc Committee  to investigate government’s decision to merge government entities as one of the ways to reduce public expenditure.

In her communication during Thursday’s plenary sitting, Among gave the Committee one month within which to carry out investigations and report back to Parliament with its recommendations.

The Deputy Speaker listed a number of terms of reference that will guide the Committee including carrying out a study on the justification of the merger for government agencies.

“To conduct cost-based analysis of the merger of government agencies, to study the effect of the merger on the current employees, to assess the impact of merger of government agencies on service delivery to the people of Uganda,” said Among.

According to Among, the Committee will include;  Nathan Byanyima (Bukanga North), Abdu Katuntu (Bugweri County), Dan Kimosho (Kazo County), Tony Ayoo (Kwania County), Apolot Christine (Kumi Woman) and Patrick Nsanja (Ntenjeru South) among others.

Parliament’s probe into the merger followed a statement tabled by Minister of Public Service, Muruli Mukasa who presented a statement on the rationalisation of government entities to Parliament.

Muruli told Parliament that the merger is intended to eliminate structural and functions duplications and overlaps, wasteful expenditures and realize resultant short term and long-term savings, in line with the approved implementation roadmap.

According to the Ministry of Public Service, out of 157 Government Agencies reviewed under the Rationalisation of Government Agencies and Public Expenditure Exercise of 2018, a decision was taken to merge, mainstream and transfer the functions of 77 and 80 to be retained.

Since then, 8 of the institutions have been fully privatized bringing the number of institutions to be merged, mainstreamed and transferred to 69.

Currently, Parliament’s Budget Committee is considering a motion by Ministry of Finance seeking to transfer money allocated to Rural Electrification Agency (REA) and have it transferred to Ministry of Energy. The Budget Committee is also scrutunising a motion seeking transfer the 2021/2022 budget for Ministry of Science and Technology to State House. 

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