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Home > News > Nwoya Offers 200 Acres Of Land To Gov’t For Agricultural Institute

Nwoya Offers 200 Acres Of Land To Gov’t For Agricultural Institute

A vast chunk of land in Got Apwoyo Sub county in Nwoya District.

Nwoya District leaders have asked the government to construct an agricultural institute to improve the agricultural sector in the region.

The call comes as the district has identified and allocated 200 acres piece of land located in Got Apwoyo Sub-county for the establishment of the institute.

Emmanuel Orach, the LCV Chairperson says they estimate the establishment of the agricultural institute may cost the government and other stakeholders about 16 billion shillings.

Orach says, once established, the institute will offer various agricultural courses that in turn help to produce technical persons with skills of transforming the agricultural sector in Northern Uganda.

He explains that the district envisions an end to rudimentary agriculture and a transformation to mechanized commercial farming that improves livelihood with the coming of the institute.

Orach says the government and other stakeholders should take advantage of the land offered and support the construction of the agricultural institute not only for the benefit of Nwoya people but the country at large.

Dr. James Ukwir, the District Production Officer who also doubles as the acting District Veterinary Officer says Nwoya’s agricultural background gives it the advantage to have the institute established.

Dr. Ukwir says with about 95 percent of the population deriving their livelihood from agriculture, it’s prudent that locals are enlightened on modern farming techniques.

He however notes that several years after the government made a commitment to construct an agricultural college in the district, no feedback has been got.

Earlier this month, the District also allocated several acres of land in Purongo Sub-county to the government to facilitate the growth of Tea and establish a tea processing plant.

Nwoya County MP, Tony Awany welcomed the move by the district but noted that there are still pockets of contestation of ownership over the proposed lands that need to be addressed if the projects are to be successful.

He cited the ownership of land allocated for the Industrial Parkland establishment in Funu Pa Min Owot in Patira Parish, Purongo Sub-county is being contested among some clan members who have since dragged the matter to court.

“If the matters at hand over ownership are not addressed, it will endanger the two projects. I have implored the district Chairperson to address the matters amicably,” he said.

Early this month, the government launched the construction of a 2.8 billion shillings Zonal Animal disease control center in Got Apwoyo Sub-county.

The multibillion facility funded under the Agricultural Value Chain Development Project funded by the African Development Bank-ADB is expected to boost livestock production in the district and Northern Uganda at large.

Nwoya district is currently thriving in agriculture owing to its fertile soil. This has since seen numerous establishment of commercial farms by local and foreign investors in the sub-counties of Lungulu, Got Apwoyo, and Purongo.


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