The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) through its Chairman, Kin Kariisa (pictured) has written the Prime Minister and the COVID-19 National Task Force asking them to include the media among the priority groups who will receive the COVID-19 vaccine first.
In the letter dated February 24, 2021 to the Prime Minister and copied to the Minister of Health and Health Ministry Permanent Secretary, Kariisa says: “As you are aware, journalists are front line workers who interface with Government officials, the private sector and the general public in their day-today interactions, something that poses a high risk of exposure to infections. Because of this, we request that you consider the media among the priority groups to be vaccinated first, in order to foster the continuation of our services without endangering lives.”
NAB notes that from the onset of the pandemic, the media has played a key role in informing and sensitizing the nation about COVID-19, and continues to do so.
“The inclusion of media personnel among the priority groups, therefore, is justified by the fact that they are similar to other professions such as health professionals, teachers, police or firefighters, that are constantly exposed to the risk of contracting the virus, yet guaranteed contact with Ugandans daily by virtue of their job,” the letter adds.
It should be noted that during COVID-19 lockdown Government included media on the essential workers’ list.