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FULL LIST: Worst Performing Committees Of Parliament Named & Shamed

Most incompetent Committees of Parliament have been named and shamed by the Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga.

She revealed that a number of Committees failed to deliver of many Bills, slowing down Parliamentary work.

Budget Committee headed by Amos Lugoloobi was cited as one of the incompetent Committees having failed to deliver two bills; Supplementary Appropriation 2017 and Supplementary Appropriation No.2 Bill.

The Presidential Affairs Committee headed by Jesica Ababiku (Adjumani Woman MP, who was faulted for failing to deliver the Kampala Capital City Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2015 on time and asked for extension of time to consider the Bill.

The Committee on Gender, Labour and Social Development was found to be late with ‘The Minimum Wages Bill, 2015 by over 700 days yet the members took no initiative to seek for extension of time to consider the Bill.

The Finance Committee headed by Henry Musasizi is also among the most incompetent Committees after delaying the debate into the the Retirement Benefits Sector Liberalization Bill, 2011 for over 732 days, The Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill, No.2 2018 over 34 days and The Investment Code Bill, 2017 that has been left to catch dust in the Committee shelves for over 433 days.

Having been recently disbanded over allegations of its members accused of taking bribes for the Sugar Bill, the Trade Tourism and Industry has yet again featured on this list with the Committee faulted for sitting on The Uganda Wildlife Bill, 2017 for over 500 days as well as The Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Bill, 2016 which was found to be late for over two years totaling to 700 days.

Featured as the most incompetent Committees, the Jacob Oboth led Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee is grappling with five Committees having failed to deliver; The Sexual Offences Bill, 2015 which has delayed for over 602 days,

The Law Revision (Penalties In Criminal Matters) Miscellaneous (Amendment) Bill 2015 late by 602 days.

The other Bills gaining dust in the Committee’s shelf are; The Security Interest In Movable Property Bill, 2018  delayed for 122 days, The Administration Of The Judiciary Bill, 2018 late for 49days and  Human Rights Enforcement Bill 2015 which has been stuck in the Committee for 600 days.

The other Committees are Natural Resources that has failed to deliver The National Environment Bill, 2017, as well as the Physical Infrastructure Committee that is faulted for failing to deliver The Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2017 for 440 days and not forgetting the ICT Committee that is still holding onto the The Data Protection And Privacy Bill, 2015.



During the name and shame session, Kadaga also revealed that Parliament has developed an Application that would be used in tracking the Committee work, warning that days for playing cat and mouse games with Bills and petitions would soon be history in Parliament.


Kadaga also issued an ultimatum for the Committees to have the Bills tabled before Parliament, saying that most of them had surpassed the 45 days life shelf in the Committees as per Rules of Parliament.


“The Bills that are outstanding will have to be done because second sitting would be for reports. So all Bills must be done before we go for independence, the situation is dire and we have developed an application which will track your work in the Committee but also inform the public, if you are late, so no more hiding when you aren’t doing our work, please take our work seriously,” Kadaga said.


It should be recalled that at the start of the 3rd session of Parliament in June 2018, Kadaga informed Parliament that at the first sitting of the third session would be dedicated to legislation.



2 thoughts on “FULL LIST: Worst Performing Committees Of Parliament Named & Shamed

  1. Wakayinja Paul

    Upload an organised list of performance for all members of the tenth parliament

  2. jerry wodubaru punduk

    would like to know about the performance of the MP’S

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