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Floods Across African Continent: “Without Climate Action We’ll Be Queuing For Noah’s Ark”

With floods hitting at least 16 African countries, Greenpeace Africa urges leaders to act for the people and against climate change

Rains have increasingly been torrential in the past months, striking large parts of East Africa and elsewhere, in unprecedented intensity in decades, causing at least dozens of deaths, displacement of more than one million people.

Greenpeace Africa calls on Africa’s leaders to provide immediate aid to those affected, but also take action to tackle the climate crisis.

“From floods to drought, extreme weather is a direct consequence of bad energy policies, the senseless burning of fossil fuels and reckless destruction of our forests,” said Amos Wemanya, Greenpeace Africa’s Campaigner.

 “This continent must not wait for a miracle to avoid the next flood. Without breaking away from coal, protecting our rainforests and oceans, transforming our farming and agriculture, and without bringing the US back to the Paris Agreement, we will all end up queuing for Noah’s Ark,” concluded Wemanya.

With more extreme weather upon us, Greenpeace Africa will continue to stand with youth striking for the climate. Ahead of the 29th of November School Friday for the Climate (Fridays for Future), Youth climate leaders across Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and other affected countries will use Greenpeace Africa’s channels to continue to demand urgent action from their leaders

Taddewo William Senyonyi
William is a seasoned business and finance journalist. He is also an agripreneur and a coffee enthusiast.

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