Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Home > Agribusiness > Fish: Govt, Exporters Put Minimum Export Price At Shs 23, 000 Per Kilogram

Fish: Govt, Exporters Put Minimum Export Price At Shs 23, 000 Per Kilogram

The government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) has taken into consideration a suggestion by fish processors and exporters to have a minimum selling export price at US$ 6, an equivalent of about Shs 23, 000.

This followed a consultative meeting held between the parties to discuss matters around the decline in fish export quantities and values.

According to the Ministry, fish processors and exporters suggested in a resolution that a minimum export selling price of USD 06 per kg of fillet exported be set and enforced with effect from October 1, 2023.

In a statement issued on Friday, the Ministry acknowledged the importance of the fish processing industry to “our nation’s economy and recognizes the challenges faced by fish processors, especially in the context of the global market dynamics.”

Although the objective of the Minimum Export Price (MEP) may be to ensure profitability in the industry, the ministry said “it should be noted that Uganda has completely liberalized her economy. The Minimum Export Price has thus justifiably generated a lot of apprehension.”

The Ministry says it has carefully considered the feedback provided by all stakeholders, and is committed to addressing their concerns in a manner that supports the continued growth and competitiveness of the fish processing sector.

“It has, therefore, been decided to halt the implementation of the resolution regarding the imposition of a Minimum Export Price (MEP) on fish fillet. All stakeholders are free export fish and fish products at prices that are determined by both the market and the principle of willing buyer/willing seller,” the Ministry said in a statement.

The Ministry assured the fish dealers of commitment to constructive dialogue with all relevant parties to find a profitable, balanced and sustainable way to exploiting the fish resource adding that it will work closely with fish processors and industry associations to explore measures that will safeguard the industry’s interests and promote Government export oriented strategy.

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