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COVID -19 Crisis: Companies Postpone Annual General Meetings, Dividend Payments

Trading at USE The COVID -19 pandemic has disrupted holding of Public listed Companies’ 2020 Annual General Meetings (AGMs) per their respective planned calendars. On 17th April 2020, Uganda Securities Exchange (USE) issued a market notice recommending interalia the deferral of scheduling AGMs which had not yet been called, postponement

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Uganda Loses 165bn In A Month As Investors Flee Country Over COVID-19 Uncertainty

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused uncertainty, leaving investors fleeing Uganda for safer havens.  “The COVID-19 pandemic has also caused a lot of panic and uncertainty in global financial markets, with some markets experiencing unprecedented dramatic declines, resulting in a significant loss of wealth. In times of such turbulence and uncertainty,

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Dfcu’s Founder Shareholder CDC Officially Sells Its Shares To Danish Gov’t

dfcu Limited (‘dfcu”) has informed its shareholders and the public that CDC Group PLC, a Development Finance Institution owned by the British Government, headquartered in London has sold all the 74,580,276 shares it held in dfcu to the Investment Fund for Developing Countries (“IFU”), a Development Finance Institution owned by

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HARD TIMES! Cipla Quality Chemical Industries Warns Shareholders To Expect Losses

Cipla Quality Chemical Industries Limited (CiplaQCIL), a pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Uganda has issued a profit warning informing shareholders that the company is likely to record losses this year. A profit warning is a warning declaration issued by a listed company to investors through a stock exchange. It warns investors that

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