After twenty years of collective service with dfcu, the curtains finally came down on Juma Kisaame’s two decade illustrious career and leadership at an event that was well attended by customers, industry peers, business associates, friends and family.
The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga who graced the dinner, held at the Kampala Serena Hotel, commended Juma for his incredible contribution to the Bank, the business sector particularly the women entrepreneurs and the country’s financial sector. She implored him to continue with the same passion as he joins the private sector.

Juma Kisaame joined dfcu Limited, the holding company, in 1992 as Head of Finance and held several senior positions before being appointed as Managing Director for dfcu Bank in 2007 – a position he held for eleven years till the Board announced his retirement plans at the end of 2018.
Elly Karuhanga,dfcu Ltd Board Chairman, described Kisaame as an Educator, a mentor and a fine leader whose two-decade long career has helped transform both individuals and businesses. He further described him as a humble man with a Lion’s brevity and courage who broke the ranks to become Uganda’s first CEO of African descent at a time when the Bank was in a critical stage.
During his address dfcu Bank Board Chairman Jimmy D. Mugerwa said, “Under Juma Kisaame’s leadership we witnessed the transformation of dfcu from a mid -size Bank to the second largest bank in Uganda, something achieved by Kisaame’s willingness to acquire banks in distress and manage a seamless migration of customer accounts and immediate access to their money.”
“Our customers have also benefited from his faith and belief in growing small businesses by giving them appropriate financial instruments and seeing them transform into successful enterprises,” he added.
The Chairman went on to express his appreciation to Kisaame for his professional and personal commitment during his tenure as CEO and his extraordinary leadership that resulted in increased shareholder value; three-fold balance sheet growth to over UGX 3trillion Uganda shillings, liquid assets of over UGX 1.26 trillion, customer deposits of over 1.9trollion and total equity in excess of over 450billion.
Mr. Kisaame is succeeded by Mr. Mathias Katamba, who joined the Bank in January 2019 from Housing Finance Bank, with over fifteen (15) years’ experience in the Finance & Banking sector, twelve (12) of which have been at C-Suite level.
Mathias Katamba assured customers that dfcu would continue working towards becoming a market leader. “We will continue walking with you and as the world keeps evolving and transforming and your children take over your businesses and carry on your legacies, dfcu will evolve and transform to serve them and continue making more possible,” remarked Mathias Katamba.