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UNBS To Importers: All Used Vehicles Must Undergo Inspection Before Entering Uganda

Motor vehicles in a bond

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has said that all used vehicles imported between 23rd September and 1st November 2023 will undergo destination inspection at a  cost of US$140 or its equivalent prior to their release from customs-controlled areas.

In a statement dated 28th September, 2023, UNBS said no surcharge will be paid at the point of entry.

“Effective 2nd November 2023, all imported used motor vehicles from Japan, Singapore, United Kingdom, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, South Africa and Saudi Arabia MUST undergo PVoC inspection with UNBS-approved PVoC service providers prior to importation into Uganda,” the statement reads.

The standards agency says that any vehicles entering Uganda without certification of road worthiness will be subjected to a penalty of 15% CIF value and will also be subjected to destination inspection which shall require a payment of US$ 140 for each motor vehicle prior to issuance of a certificate.

Sylvia Kirabo, the UNBS Spokesperson, explains that this move (destination inspection) for the used motor vehicles for the period stipulated in the public notice is a temporary measure as the UNBS finalises the procurement process for PVoC  service providers as guided by the PPDA Act.

“The inspection fees is about Shs500, 000 per motor vehicle to be paid to government via the URA payment portal. UNBS experienced a gap of PVoC services for used motor vehicles in the countries of origin when legal processes caused a delay in appointing PVoC service providers, and in order not to inconvenience the business people, our clients, we provided for destination inspection in order not to interrupt import business,” Kirabo says, adding: “Therefore, those importers who intend to import used motor vehicles between 23rd  September and 1st  November 2023 will have the inspection services at entry points and gazetted customs areas within the country. UNBS is open to talks with the business community during this interim period to ensure efficiency.”

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