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Over 50,000 Ugandans ‘Trafficked’ To ‘Deadly’ Oman

There are over 50,000 Ugandans believed to have been trafficked to Oman, a country that doesn’t have any labour or bi-lateral agreement with the Government of Uganda.

In fact, many cases of torture, exploitation and gruesome murders of Ugandan domestic workers have occurred in this country.

According to Yasin Abdallaziz Musoke, the Labor Liaison Officer for

Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Kuwait, Oman hosts 52,000 Ugandan workers and none of them went through the available system (through legally licensed labour recruitment companies). These are said to be victims of human trafficking.

“Oman has about 52,000 [Ugandan workers] and none of them went through our system, that is why there is an issue of human trafficking. Whoever goes to Oman is a victim of human trafficking,” Musoke said.

He explained in Saudi Arabia, there are 27, 000 Ugandan workers, Jordan hosts more than 20,000 Ugandan workers and UAE over 40,000.

Musoke told Business Focus in an exclusive interview in Kampala last

Wednesday that most of the information circulating on social media and WhatsApp  groups about Ugandans suffering in Middle East Countries is not authentic, but simply malicious.

“…what you hear that our children have been killed or their organs have been removed; those things are rare. There is no way dead bodies come back to Uganda without the knowledge and clearance of  the embassy; there must be postmortem and Police reports (before body leaves for Uganda) and the law also allows the body to undergo postmortem reports in Mulago,” he said.

He said the embassy put up systems with officers and counselors at designated shelters in Riyadh and Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) to resolve cases of Ugandan workers.

He noted that while there are some problems, they are Ugandan workers in the countries with government contact are over 90% safe.

Musoke revealed that some Ugandans sign the contracts, but change their minds after losing interest in the job. These in most cases make alarms on social media.

One thought on “Over 50,000 Ugandans ‘Trafficked’ To ‘Deadly’ Oman

  1. Babu m sodha : sodha owe bombo

    Uganda achieved independence in 1962 Amin robbed Asians to make way for Ugandans why so much job issue ? Uganda is a very fertile country people are more educated today & sad Ugandans got go Middle East to earn living,wen people from Europe Asia flood into Uganda for survival: i was in Dubai recently & went for lunch in York Hotel & this hotel was flooded with Ugandan girls begging for food & drinks:I felt shameful & ashamed to be a Ugandans:who do we blame? yes “Museveni “ Ugandans are treated as second class .god bless them”.Katonda Ayambe”✝️✝️✝️ ”

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