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MTN Increases Mobile Money Charges

MTN Uganda has announced that effective June15, 2017 it will revise its Mobile Money charges.

“Please be advised that from 15th June 2017, MTN Mobile Money sending and withdrawal fees will be revised,” a message from MTN Uganda to its customers reads.

According to the revised tariffs available on MTN Uganda website, sending between Shs250, 001 to Shs500, 000 to MTN registered users will increase to Shs1,600 up from Shs1, 400 while withdrawing the same amount from an agent has been increased to Shs7,000, up from Shs5,775.

The statement also reveals that sending between 60,001-125,000 to MTN users will cost Shs1, 600 up from the Shs1, 400 while withdrawing the same amount will remain unchanged at Shs1, 925.

Sending between 125,001 to 250,000 will also increase to Shs1, 600, up from Shs1, 400 while withdrawing the same from an agent will remain unchanged at Shs3, 575.

Additionally, while sending between Shs500, 001 to Shs1, 000, 000 has been reduced to Shs2, 000, up from Shs2, 200, withdrawal charges have been increased to Shs12, 500, up from Shs10, 450.

However, sending between Shs1, 000,001 to Shs2, 000,000 to MTN registered user has been reduced to Shs2, 000, down from Shs2, 200, while withdrawing the same from an agent has remained unchanged at Shs19, 800.

Relatedly, sending between Shs2, 000,001 to Shs4, 000,000 has been reduced to Shs2, 000, up from Shs2, 200 while withdrawing the same has remained unchanged at Shs35, 200.

“Do not pay any Mobile Money Agent after transaction. Fees are deducted directly from your phone,” the telecom giant says in a statement.


Taddewo William Senyonyi
William is a seasoned business and finance journalist. He is also an agripreneur and a coffee enthusiast.

2 thoughts on “MTN Increases Mobile Money Charges

  1. Sarah Musisi

    Please activate my MTN Mobile Mobey messaging service so that I can receive mobile money messages and alerts.
    My number is 256 786 970 418
    Thank you
    Sarah Musisi

  2. When i’m sending money to somebody else via mtn mobile money agent, must i pay another additional fee to that agent for sending the money. Thx

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